Wednesday, November 3, 2004

Let me start with this interview,

It's an interview with David O. Russell, who wrote and directed I Heart Huckabees. It has some really interesting stuff about what it means to be a Christian.

I haven't posted in a week. I haven't felt like it. I'm not enjoying life right now. Here's why. The language in this next part may be naughty, so let's clip here.

We still have not sold this stupid house! It's pissing me off severely! I'll just say this to get it out of my system, I hate realtors!!!!! We had an absolutely horrible lazy bitch of a realtor when we sold our house in Birmingham and ended up owning 2 houses for about 4 months. That sucks shit! I would not recommend thte prospect to anyone. Now we seem to have chosen another realtor from hell to sell this house!

First of all, we've had it listed for about 3-4 weeks and it's been shown a total of 3 times! Two of those were the same damn person! Ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous. The person who looked twice in one day never made any offer. She ended up saying that "the stairwells are too tight." What the hell does that mean?!? AAAAHHHHH!!!!!

So, now we're 6 weeks away from moving day and absolutely no prospects of selling this house. When we hired our realtor she told us they have large ads in the paper every two weeks to highlight open houses, etc. We called yesterday to ask about having an open house this weekend (since we're 6 weeks from moving), she said we could but it would be unadvertised. They have now decided to have one ad per month and this month it will be on the 21st. So we're having an open house on the 21st. The weekend before Thanksgiving. 2 weeks before we move! That's bullshit! Utter, complete bullshit.

So now it looks like we will live for a while in the "apartment" above my parents garage. This is one room (it wanders a little) with a kitchenette and a bathroom. Oh yeah, and a pool table. It will be tight to say the least. We'll have to move at least two beds up there, and I have no idea where we will put them. But we can't afford to buy anything (or even rent) until we sell this house.

I am so tired of worrying and even caring about this crap! My only escapes from house worry are church stuff, AU games, and the election. Now that the election is over, I guess I have church and AU. AU is off this week. I love my life right now.

I guess that's all my whining for now. AU is looking awesome! I'm glad they have a week to rest and hopefully will come out gunning against UGA. alright, I'm heading to bed now. Have a great evening (or week if it takes me a while again.)

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