Monday, October 11, 2004

stupid porn

All of a sudden my computer at home won't let me onto LiveJournal. We have a filtering program (and have for almost a year) and it is suddenly blocking LiveJournal. It hasn't before, but now it does. Wierd. So now I can only update from the church. Oh well.

Still no action on the house. It's just sitting there, as cute as it can be not getting sold. We have about 2 months before we're supposed to move. I guess we're going to go ahead and list it with a realtor. Which means we will get almost nothing back out of it. That means that we may have to rent for a while so we can save up enough for a down payment. I HATE MOVING!!!!! I just hope we sell it before we move. I really DO NOT want the hassle of having a house we're not living in again.

I'm taking the youth hiking this weekend. I'm excited! Hopefully, we won't get lost again.

Short & sweet, that's it for today!

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