Saturday, September 18, 2004

Kids are fun

Abby is in bed Wednesday night and we notice she is crying. We call her into our room and she sits in the bed with Misty. We start asking her what is wrong. She says she doesn't want to go to school Thursday.

OK, here's some background: Abby LOVES school. It's actually a Mother's Day Out program at church that she attends twice a week. She loves her teacher (Ms. Theresa). She loves playing with her friends. Usually if she cries about school it's because she does not have it the next day. So, needless to say, this is unusual and we are concerned.

So she's crying and not wanting to go to school. We of course ask "Why not?" But she won't give us an answer. Finally she says she doesn't want to go to the library. Back ground time again: Abby LOVES(!) the library. Every Monday I take Abby and Jacob to the public library and we hang out for half an hour or so getting movies and books. So now we're just really confused.

She is still evasive and will not answer our questions. (i.e. Why don't you want to go to the Library?) So we finally tell her that if she will go to school in the morning that she does not HAVE to go to the Library if she does not want to go. Misty says she will come pick her up before time to go if she wants. We're still very confused, concerned, and well just completely bewildered by this whole conversation. So I tell Misty I'll let Ms. Theresa know Abby may not want to go to the Library.

I take her to school the next day. When I drop her off, I mention the Library to Ms. Theresa and ask what they did there last week. Her response is a drawn out, "Oh." Followed by "Oh no." I'm now intrigued on top of the confusion and concern. She goes on to tell me that Abby and a couple of other girls got in trouble for not being still and quiet during story time last week. So I finally found out why Abby didn't want to go to school. We were quite relieved at the real answer.

It's so funny though, that Abby did not want to tell us that she got in trouble. Kids are funny.

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