Monday, May 23, 2011

The Weekend

Well, hello there.

I don’t have much to write about today. Actually, there are lots of things I could write about, but I will not. I may hint at it later.

First, I have to say this. I got my grades for my first semester at Memphis Theological Seminary. I made all A’s. FYI – this is the first time in my entire life that I made straight A’s. That’s not actually true. I took one class my last quarter at Auburn. I made an A in that class. But this is the first time I’ve made all A’s in multiple classes.

I came close more than once. The one time that really sticks out in my mind was in 6th grade.

It was report card day. Mrs. Wright called me up to her desk just after lunchtime. This was not the first time I’d been called to the teacher’s desk. But this time I wasn’t doing anything before she called me. My mind began to race trying to recall what if anything I’d done wrong that day/week.

As I walked I noticed Mrs. Wright smiling at me. My tensed body relaxed a little. Then I noticed it wasn’t exactly a tender smile. My re-lifted heart sank a little. Then I noticed the paper in her hand. It was the familiar orange folded cardstock that held my grades. My heart sank again.

She asked me to look at my grades. Math – A, Social Studies – A, Science – A, Language – A, Spelling/Vocabulary – A, PE – A, Citizenship – C.

I don’t remember what Mrs. Wright said to me. I only remember that her tone was kind and caring. She said something like, “I really wanted to give you straight A’s, but I couldn’t. Do you think you can do better next time?”

I went and sat at my desk thinking about how I could improve my citizenship grade next 6 weeks. 5 minutes later Mrs. Wright had to tell me to turn around and stop talking. I never got above a B in citizenship. Just could not do it.

Things are going well with church. We didn’t have services at Mt. Moriah yesterday. Instead we attended the Decoration Day/Homecoming services at Jones Chapel a couple of miles away. It was….interesting. The experience makes me think of the theme song to Lisa Bonet’s Cosby Show spin off. “It’s a different world from where I come from.” Small country church. Wow.

Yesterday was my grandparents’ birthday. My grandmother turned 80 and my granddad turned 79. We had a party for them at my parents’ house. Much of my family showed up. My dad and all 3 of his siblings were all under the same roof for the first time in years I thought most of us were there, then my uncle pointed out that there were 16 of us not there. That includes (from my grandparents’ perspective) spouses of their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. Unless I’m missing someone there were 21 of us there. Wow, that’s a big family.

Anyway…Happy birthday, Granny & Papaw.

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