Thursday, April 14, 2011

Another Class-ic Thursday

It's Thursday. I have class.

I realized this morning that I have yet to post my Lenten thoughts for this week. I'll have to get to that tomorrow. Today I have a full day of sitting in class to which I can look forward. I am about to head over to Founder's Hall, get some coffee, and wait patiently for my first class to begin.

In the meantime, I'm tired. I finished my exegetical paper night before last. I worked on it until about 2 am. It's due at 5:30 this afternoon. Anyone want to proofread for me? Misty read it yesterday, so did I, but it wouldn't hurt to have another pair of eyes look at it. Who's game?

Alright...time for caffeine. Oh, and class.

*update* 9:25 am - No presentations today in Faith & Hope. I can't believe I haven't updated before now. It's a distracted sort of day so far. I'm not sure I could tell you more than one or two things we've discussed this morning.

*update* 10:00 am - We are finishing up our break. I have more coffee. Maybe that will help me focus a little better on the second half of class.

*update* 10:30 am - Our topic in Faith & Hope today is the society at Qumran. If you're unfamiliar with them, you should read up. Interesting stuff. They are believed by most scholars to be the group responsible for the Dead Sea Scrolls.

They separated themselves from the rest of Jewish society. "Into the wilderness." Some scholars think John the Baptist was a Qumraninan.

*update* 1:00 pm - Formation was fun today. Our topic was 'the poor.' We were to bring a piece of art, poetry, or music. Good stuff. More later.

Time for Pastoral Care to start. Today's subject is human sexuality. Should be fun stuff.

*update* 5:25 pm - No one took me up on my offer to proofread my paper. So I went ahead and turned it in. We'll see how it goes. I'll post it later. Maybe today, maybe this weekend.

We had a really good discussion in Pastoral Care today. I heard some messed up opinions, though. Maybe I'll comment on that later. (Probably in my "Seminary Week 12" post.)

*update* 5:55 pm - Our topic in NT tonight is the Book of Revelation. This should be fun stuff.

*update* 6:05 pm - We're talking cannibalism. I'm not exactly sure how we got here....

*update* 6:30 pm - I've learned that if you comment on or answer everything the professor says eventually he will ignore you even if you are the only one with the correct answer. So, the lesson here is....dude, shut up!

*update* 7:00 pm - Hillsong has a 'praise song' called "Fire Fall Down." I wonder if they've heard teh story of Nero using Christians as torches to light his outdoor parties?

*update* 7:15 pm - A guy just walked into class and sat down and I swear I've never seen him in here before. He's either in the wrong place or he is living out one of my nightmares.

*update* 7:24 pm - Why did Constantinople get the works?

*update* 7:45 pm - So, does anyone know any music publishers who would like to buy a song? Maybe for enough money to put me through seminary? Anyone?

1 comment:

  1. So, why did Constantinople get the works?
    Wish I could have proofed your paper, but was on the road yesterday. I'm sure it's really good, though. I'll buy your song - but can only give $50. Would that help?

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