Thursday, March 24, 2011

Classy. Very classy.

Once again, I sit in the classroom ready to learn.

We are continuing our oral presentations in Faith & Hope. Today's topic - Ben Sirah. These things are entertaining, if for no other reason than to watch Dr. Niang. Someone will say something in their presentation and you can see him get excited about it. He'll flinch, sometimes give an audible "oh," then jump up and start writing on the board and teaching. After a few minutes he'll catch himself and stop. Usually with the phrase, "But I will back off and back to you..." This man loves to teach and loves his subject.

I think this class is shrinking. We started out with about 15 people. Today we have 7....wait, make that 8. Someone just came in late.

Here we go. Dr. Niang is up and at the board. It's about to get good.

Time to pay attention. More updates later.

*update* 8:50 am - One of the things I really love about this class is how everything from this period relates back to our modern world.

Term of the day - sexophrenic - that is awesome. In other words, when sex gets involved, we all start to pay attention. Dr. Niang said he coined the term during the Bill Clinton/Monica Lewinski fiasco. Today he used it to relate back to Julian Assange (of Wikileaks).

*update* 10:00 am - Uh oh, I have been challenged. The guy doing his presentation now is treading on my territory. His topic is 'Herod the Great & the Second Temple.' It's on, like Donkey Kong!

*update* 1:25 pm - In Pastoral Care, we just watched Julia Roberts die. Our topic is grief and loss. we're watching part of Steel Magnolias. This is excruciating. Movies tend to make me tear up anyway, this though. Yikes. I have to remember I'm in public.

*update* 1:30 pm - I have a lump the size of a grapefruit in my throat right now. Now I know why I've never see this movie.

*update* 1:40 pm - 2 observations about the clip from Steel Magnolias:
1) Daryll Hannah's southern accent is horrendous.
2) Sally Field is cute even when she's crying, screaming, & ranting.

*update* 2:55 pm - Pathological grief. Sounds like fun....

p.s. I've had a crush on Sally Field for a long time. (At least since Smokey & the Bandit)

*update* 5:50 pm - Hey, the network is back! Looks like I will be able to update from my night class after all.

*update* 6:10 pm - Well over 30 minutes of review and so far only one, "Wait, can you go back for a second?"

*update* 7:30 pm - We had our first quiz in NT. I made 4/5 or 80%. Not terrible.

*update* 7:55 pm - The internet here is gong cuh-razy. Keeps cutting in and out. Oddly enough, it's distracting me more than when it works consistently.

*update* 11:35 pm - Finally home. Time for a shower.


  1. I'm trying to picture the 2nd temple version of Donkey Kong...

  2. I couldn't agree more on the Steel Magnolias bit. That movie is horrible and wonderful all wrapped up into one.

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