Thursday, February 24, 2011

Who's got class? I do.

Of course I mean class of the academic variety.

I forgot to do a recap of last week. I did, of course do a sort of 'live blog' of my classes. I'll get a recap this weekend.

I think I like my first class more each week. It is a really informative, interesting class. I'll try to say more about hat later.

I got a bit of a wake up call in my Formation for Ministry class today. After we read our paper, the class can ask questions. One of the instructors asked me about my support system (outside of my family) I had while doing youth ministry and what I expect to have as I move into ordained ministry. I gave a round about answer about former pastors, good and bad, and their supportive or non-supportive practices and a little bit about current support from Edgemont. As for the future, I said I was unsure. I think my answer was, "I'll have to think about that and figure it out." My instructor then had another question. "Scott, don't you have any friends?"

" well, yeah. I... uh..."

My answer went something like that. as I answered it was made real to me again how stand-offish I am. I tend to be a bit of a loner.

I need to work on that. A support system will be important in the years to come.

*update* - I'm starting to wonder about my night class. Severe weather is supposed to hit Memphis during the class. Which means I 'll sit through it and then have to drive through it on my way home. Yuck!

I hate trying to out guess the weather. I've been burned by this once already.

*update* - I'm starting to see a direct correlation between Cumber Presbyterian students/pastors and a full-bearded face.

*update* - Under the threat of bad weather, our class is much smaller tonight. I hope that means we will actually get through some material tonight. We'll see.

*Final Update* - I left class early (around 7:00) to get home ahead of the storms. The tornado sirens started going off and an 'official' came to our class to make us go to the library or basement. I was watching the radar and the weather was still 15 minutes away. So I decided it was time to leave. I left amidst the sirens and rain. I beat the storms home. Now I'm sitting in my recliner listening to storm spotters on the scanner.

Good times!


  1. Sure, maybe you're a little stand-offish, but... ::cue Randy Newman singing:: "You've got a friend in me...."

    And unless I get sacked you'll have at least me and Ryan in your cheerleader/friend corner.

    Your prof. does have a point that we preacher types need to hear - we need to put some effort into our relationships with friends and other pastors or this job can be pretty isolating.

    Love ya, man. ::fade out Randy Newman::

  2. tho i'm obviously not a pastor/theologian, I am in your cheerleader/friend corner!

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