Monday, February 7, 2011

Seminary Week 2

Remember what I said last week about getting into the bulk of the work… I think I’m there. This week I have to write a 4-page critical book review (which means I also have to read the book), write a 1-2 page paper on my reading for Intro to Pastoral Care (which means I also have to do the reading), write my weekly 1-2 page paper for Formation of Ministry, and do my regular reading for all 4 classes. Oh, and I’m pretty sure we’re going to have a pop quiz in Intro to Interpreting the New Testament.

Luckily, as of Monday morning, I have already written my paper for Pastoral Care, I have written my Formation paper, and I have read the book I have to review. I wouldn’t say I am ahead of the game, but I’m not behind at this point either. As long as I can keep my head above water, I’ll be fine.

I missed my day off last week because of some co-workers being out sick. That put me behind a little bit. That kept me up until 1 am last night. I should be OK for the rest of the week.

I am now neck deep in the work and still loving it.

My second week of class was at least as enjoyable as my first. Maybe more so. I am really enjoying my first calls: Faith & Hope in the Interbiblical Period. This class is fun and informative. I really like the professor and the class provides good discussion.

Intro to Pastoral Care is going to be a useful class. So far I’m enjoying it as well. I really like the professor in this one also. The class size is just right. The only issue I’ve had in this one so far is the reading. It’s a little thick. Really heady stuff. Nothing impossible to grasp, just difficult to read in a hurry.

Intro to Interpreting the New Testament is my last class of the day. I hope I enjoy this one. The premise and purpose of the class is right up my alley. In actuality there are issues. I mentioned this a little last week. The class size is a draw back. There are about 50 people in the class. 50 people in an interpretation class is tough. There are too many questions and most of them are off topic or dealing with some topic we’ve already moved on from. I think I’ll enjoy the reading and the work in this class (a 6 page exegesis paper for example), I’m not so sure about the classroom work.

Formation for Ministry, I like. I think I mentioned last week that this is a ‘sit in a circle and share your feelings’ type class. I have no problem with that. The main focus of the classroom setting is writing a weekly paper and reading them aloud in class. I think some people have trouble opening up in this setting. You guys know how I write. I don’t have that problem.

To round out my week-2 review I thought I would include my Formation paper. Last week our focus was Matthew 6:1-18. Our paper was to answer a couple of questions about our prayer life. Enjoy.

Formation for Ministry

February 3, 2011

In recent years the best description of my prayer life would be sporadic. I pray most days, but I do not have a set time, place, or amount of time. Most of my prayer is done in the car or in bed late at night; when I remember to do so. This has not always been the case. I have, in the past, set aside time either in the morning or evenings for a regular time of prayer. My history with this is not exactly pristine either. Those times typically have not lasted more than a few months at a time. Creating a regular disciplined prayer life has always been difficult for me.

In recent weeks I have regulated my prayer time a bit. I read a short devotional from The Church of the Resurrection in Kansas City most days, though not every day. During those times I read the assigned scripture, reflect on a few questions, and offer a short prayer related to whatever topic is given in the questions. Still, I do not do this at a set time each day or for a set amount of time or even every day, for that matter.

I hope, through this group and the covenant agreement, to develop and maintain a regular prayer life. Over the next year I hope to, first and foremost develop the discipline of prayer. I hope establish a set time each day to spend time listening to God. My prayers over the last several years have been mostly talking. I’ve done very little listening. I hope to re-establish the close relationship with God that I had years ago.

In the Matthew passage I see motivation as the main theme. What is your motivation for giving? Is it to help others? Is it to be compassionate? Is it to be seen as compassionate? Is it as an act of worship? Why do you pray? Do you hope other will hear you and marvel at how spiritual you are? Do you hope others will be blessed by your words? Do you pray to live in relationship with God?

I think this especially applies to corporate prayer. I don’t like to pray out loud. As a worship leader I do so almost weekly. I don’t like it. I spend each Saturday night agonizing over writing a prayer. Why? Is it that I hope to glorify God with my words? Do I hope to capture the thoughts and prayers of the congregation? Or do I simply hope to not sound like an idiot or sound too similar to last week’s prayer? I usually feel each of them to some extent. It all comes down to motivation.

This thought leads me back to the question of my prayer life. I think that has been a stumbling block to a regular practice of prayer in the past. Motivation. In the past, my motivation has been, “I have to pray this many minutes each day!” That was it. That was my only motivation. Over the next year I hope to focus on relationship. A growing friendship between myself and God. I think with that as my motivation, I will be much more likely to remain consistent.


  1. Good stuff, Scott. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Enjoyed the update, Scott! I can definitely relate to what u say about prayer. Want to add that if I can focus on 'relationship' for prayer-motivation, I think that will help me to become more regular & consistent. Thanks for the idea!

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