Thursday, February 3, 2011

Gooooood Afternoon Memphis!

Greetings from room F-201 of Memphis Theological Seminary. I'm in the midst of a 20 minute break in my Intro to Pastoral Care class. I wanted to give a quick update. So far, so good. I've got an hour or so of this class left, then a break, then another 3 hour class from 5:30-8:30. After that it's a 2 1/2 hour drive home.

Week 2 is going swimmingly, I must say. I hope to give a real recap sometime tomorrow.

I will say this, I am really enjoying the extra Podcast-listening time I'm getting each week! Lots of Adam Hamilton, Ira Glass, Andy Stanley, and Terri Gross.

Time for the break to end, I'm going to eat my Snickers (lunch) and listen to some more Pastoral Care info!

More tomorrow!

**OK, I'm going to try to update this from time to time today.

3:05 pm - Ever noticed that there are some people who have something to say about everything. Yeah, I have.

3:15 - Inappropriate sharing abounds.

3:27 - My Pastoral Care professor looks exactly like Ned Flanders. I'm just sayin'. ( I should add that I really, really like the guy. But he looks like Flanders.)

3:35 - Seriously. He's even wearing a button up shirt under a sweater.

3:50 - Does anyone remember the show Nothing Sacred? My professor just referenced it. Sounds vaguely familiar, but I can't place it.

4:00 - Done. On to the next one.

5:25 - Almost time for the next class. Intro to Interpreting the New Testament. Good stuff, but dang this room is crowded!

5:30 - Time to start. Dr. Niang is the only professor, so far that starts class with prayer. I like that.

5:40 - Dr. Niang is from Senegal. He is sharing his story of how he ended up in the US. He grew up in Dakar as a Muslim. He's now a Baptist. Interesting transition.

6:30 - So far this class and my 8:00 class are overlapping a lot. That won't last.

6:35 - It's tough to have a discussion in a classroom of 50 people. Too many people trying to be right without listening to the question.

6:50 - break time!

8:00 - I think I'm starting to wear down.....

8:20 - The drive home is going to be a loooooong drive.

8:25 - We have gone tangential... I'm not sure we can recover.

1 comment:

  1. favorite way to travel! Be careful driving home...sounds like a great day!

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