Monday, January 3, 2011

It's that time again.

Just because I haven't posted much in the last few months does not mean that I will not carry on with tradition! (One year counts as a tradition, right?)

It's time for the 2nd Annual Commenter of the Year Awards. Last year's award recipients included 2009 Comment of the Year - Bryan Miller, Great Comments Better Cake - Laura Senecal, and Frequent Commenter Award - (the late) Matt Miller. This year's awards will include at least 2 of those (the FCA is now dubbed the Matt Miller Memorial Frequent Commenter Award) and possibly others if I feel like making them up.

Here's where you can do your part. I take suggestions. I also take bribes (ask Laura). So, look through the old comments. Suggest your own. Suggest someone else. Bake me a cake... you see how this works.

Winners will be announced soon.

p.s. - If anyone wants to give me a ticket tot he BCS National Championship Game and round trip airfare to Glendale, AZ, well you'd definitely win.


  1. Me me me me me me! Pick meeeeeeeeee!!! (I would offer you a bribe, but evidently you are waaay to expensive for me. Tickets AND airfare???) But I'll promise to continue giving you a good reference.

  2. Hey... I can fix up another batch of goodies. Your choice. LOL (even though I don't think I posted more than a couple of times). I am sure they were great comments. :-)

  3. Interesting. I was just thinking about that coconut cake the other day.


    I'll talk to Misty about it Wednesday while you eat delicious lasagna.

  4. And might I add I have posted on all of the blog posts this year!! :)

  5. And twice as much as anyone else.


  6. I've got a great recipe in mind...and I believe I've commented at least a few times.

  7. I will have Jacob over to spend the night. Not sure what my award would be for, but I do think I posted...when I could figure out how to do it...maybe I should get an award for that...

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