Wednesday, January 5, 2011

2011 Update #2

The COTY (Commenter of the Year) Award showdown is heating up. It’s a frenzied race to the finish. I will have results next week.

As for this week:

I have applied for admission to Memphis Theological Seminary. I got an email back yesterday saying they only needed a couple more items and I would be admitted. Now comes the fun part…paying for it.

Therein lies the problem. When I start school I will go to Memphis 2 days a week. That means I will only work 3 days a week. That means I will only be paid for 3 days a week. Cut in pay + Additional expense for tuition, books, room, etc = OUCH! I’m getting a little bit stressed about the finances of this thing. I have complete faith that it will work out; I just wish I knew HOW it will work out.

I also began the candidacy process. It’s a process that, in essence, helps me discern my call to ministry. It’s been interesting so far. Yesterday I filled out a couple of different forms that asked me to list my reasons for applying for candidacy, significant religious experiences, and my strengths and weaknesses. It’s been interesting.

The hardest parts, so far, have been thinking of some significant religious experiences and listing my strengths. I am not good at strengths. I listed the weaknesses first. I still have not listed my strengths. I’m trying to think of some.

What else is going on in life? I got a new phone. Saturday I got a Droid X. I’m pretty excited about it. So far I like it a lot. Maybe too much. It is very, very cool.

I can’t believe how little I’ve talked about Auburn Football this year. My Tigers are playing in the National Championship Game next Monday and I have barely mentioned them in the last few months. (Then again, I’ve barely mentioned anything in the last few months.) I am planning to go down to Auburn to watch the game. Auburn is showing the game on the big screens in the Arena. The kids and I are going down to watch it, and hopefully take a trip, with toilet paper in hand, to Toomer’s Corner afterward.

I’d like to try to do a nice objective breakdown of the game later this week.

But I won’t. I don’t think I can do an objective breakdown. Instead here’s my take: Auburn wins. WAR EAGLE! 

Keep commenting…keep voting, er… bribing, er… suggesting.


  1. I can think of some strengths.
    How about creativity? (I'm thinking about your blog, songs, etc.)
    How about great discussion leader? (I've loved all your book discussions and Sunday School lessons.)
    How about your love for God and his church?

  2. I agree with Nancy.
    I think one of your strengths is telling everyone what en introvert you are and then being amazing on Sunday mornings by standing up front singing your heart out. It's called- The Surprise Attack strength.

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