Friday, December 17, 2010

Like Sands Through the Hourglass

Wow, It's been over a month since I updated. When I wrotethat last post, I really thought I would get back to regular posting prettysoon after. I, obviously, did not.

I can't decide if I my lack of posting is because I havelittle to say or because I have too much to say...
Regardless, I'll give a short update for today.

Things are changing at work. My dad is back at work. That isa good thing. We've struggled financially lately. His presence will not makethat go away, but it will help. There are other changes coming, but that’s foranother day. (Or maybe another paragraph.)

Misty is done with school. Now she is just waiting forgraduation day (Oh crap! I need to go get her a card or something because thatis tomorrow) and to take her certification test (next month).

The kids are both doing well. School finishes up today. Theyare excited and ready for Christmas.
We took our annual trip to Gatlinburg a couple of weeks ago.I really love going there. It snowed for most of our time there. We loved it!

I’m really excited about Auburn playing in the NationalChampionship Game. What a season they’ve had so far! I wanted to go to the gamein Glendale. Flight, tickets, hotel, & food would end up costing about$1500 at a minimum. There is no way we can afford it. I plan to watch everyminute of it. And I know what I want for my birthday!

OK, time to go clean up the warehouse. More later (actuallysooner than later…but you get it.)

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