Saturday, May 30, 2020

I Understand, Help My Misunderstanding

I try not to speak about issues and things I do not understand. There is a lot going on in our great nation right now that I do not understand. So, there is a lot about which I do not speak.

As I write this, I am listening to a song called “Room For Us All” by The Many. The song ends with a chorus joining the lead singer as they sing together, “We are on this earth to love.” Over and over again. “We are on this earth to love.” “We are on this earth to love.”

There is a lot going on right now – we are so polarized something as simple as wearing a mask causes outrage; over 100,000 people have died in the US from SARS-CoV-2; people of color are dying of the virus at a much higher rate than white people; Geroge Floyd, another unarmed black man, was killed by police – after officials took months to charge two white men in the murder of Ahmaud Arbery, an unarmed black man in Georgia and following the shooting death by police of Breonna Taylor, an unarmed black woman killed in her home; cities across the US are burning as protests erupt; unchecked racial injustice; our black and brown brothers and sisters are treated as if their lives matter less than mine. There is so much pain. So much anger. So much fear.

We are on this earth to love.” “We are on this earth to love.”

I came to a realization today. We are on this earth to love – but silence is not love. Love is not silence. Love demands that I not remain silent. But I try not to speak about issues I don’t understand. I don’t understand what it is like to live as a person of color in the US. So I will talk about what I do understand.

I understand that when my kids leave the house, while I worry about them, I do not have to worry that they will be shot for a simple traffic stop.

I understand that if I show symptoms of coronavirus, I will be tested. If that test is positive, I will receive the best care available. If I require hospitalization, I will be hospitalized. I understand that I will most likely survive because of the care I will receive.

I understand that I will never be called or thought of as “one of the good ones.” I will never be told how eloquent or well-spoken or intelligent I am “for a white man.”

I understand that when I enter a store, I receive no more scrutiny than another customer.

I understand that if I apply for a loan, I will be judged on my financial data and earning potential – not my race.

I understand that the vast majority of government officials, law enforcement, and others in positions of authority share my skin color.

I understand that white supremacy exists and persists.

I understand that I benefit from my race almost everyday.

I understand that I have power I would not have were I not white.

I understand that the playing field is not even.

I understand that it is no where close to even.

I understand that many feel powerless.

I understand that power comes with responsibility.

I understand that power is meant to be used to empower others.

I understand that “We are on this earth to love.”

I understand that love is not silent in the face of oppression and injustice.

I understand that at my baptism, I agreed to resist evil, injustice, and oppression in whatever forms they present themselves.

I will resist. I will resist. I will resist.

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