Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Back to School Blessing

This past Sunday at North Wood United Methodist Church, we celebrated the new school year with a Back-to-School Blessing/Blessing of the Backpacks. Below is the liturgy we used. Parts of it were adapted from some GBOD resources. The "commissioning" of school leaders is drawn from the UMC Book of Worship #591, "An Order for Commitment to Christian Service." 

To begin the service of blessing, we invited students (of all ages) and all teachers, administrators, coaches, bus drivers, and other school system employees to come forward to the chancel rail. Those at the rail faced the chancel area with their backs to the congregation, symbolizing the support of the congregation behind them.
Pastor: A new school year marks a new beginning. New beginnings are the essence of the gospel – the old has passed, the new has come. New beginnings are full of hope and light, but can also be times when we are anxious and nervous – new means unknown. Today we acknowledge the angst and the nerves, but more so, we celebrate the new beginning this school year represents and we celebrate the hope it brings. Because just as light pushes away the darkness, hope melts away our fears.
Lay Leader: As we begin the new school year it is good to remember that God has given us the ability to learn and to grow. Learning is a gift from God. This morning we thank God for this great gift. The Bible tells us that Jesus learned and studied – he grew in wisdom. We ask God’s blessing on this new school year, that it may be a time when we fully appreciate and use God’s gift of learning.
Children's Minister: Today, we have before us backpacks to be carried to and from school by the children and youth gathered here. These backpacks will contain work to be done, work that's been returned, books to be studied, tools to complete homework. Notebooks, pencils, pens, protractors, compasses, crayons, rules, scissors, glue sticks and other items used for school-work will find their way in and out of these backpacks. Some days they will be heavy, some days they will be light. We bring them before God for blessing – that the work, the books, the items they carry and the learning they represent may be blessed and bring glory to God.
Youth Minister: Today, we have before us students – young and old – all thankful for the gift of learning. These students contain knowledge and wisdom – they contain brains ready to be filled with new knowledge. They contain hearts ready to be filled with the wisdom of Christ. These students contain the light of Christ, ready to shine forth from them. Out of these students will come letters and numbers, essays and equations, portraits and collages, games and laughter, good grades and bad grades, nice words and harsh words. Some days they will be heavy with the burdens of school and of life, some days they will be light with joy. We present them before God for blessing – that the work they do, the fun they have, and the knowledge and wisdom they gain may be blessed and bring glory to God.
Pastor: Today we have before us teachers, administrators, assistants, bus drivers and others who are charged with great task of leading and loving our children. For them, some days will be heavy, some days will be light. We present them for before God for blessing – that the joy and pain, the laughter and tears, the knowledge and wisdom they share with and gain from the children in their care may be blessed and bring glory to God.
          We also recognize that the task you undertake is a ministry. So before we pray for the whole group I want to offer a blessing for you – a commissioning of the ministry on which you are about to embark.
          Friends, today we recognize the ministry of these who take on the task of leading our children and consecrate them to this special task in the service of Jesus Christ.
          In the name of this congregation, I commend you to this work and pledge to you our prayers, encouragement, and support. May the Holy Spirit guide and strengthen you, that in this and in all things you may do God’s will in the service of Jesus Christ.
(At this point, I invited the congregation to pray with us. I also invited them to raise a hand toward those gathered at the front to symbolize the laying on of hands. The prayer was printed in the bulletin.)
All: Gracious God, we lift to you today these students and workers. 
         They stand here ready to receive your blessing and they commit themselves to study and learning in the school year ahead. We ask your blessing on each of them.
          We pray as well for the teachers and administrators in all of our schools. We pray for bus drivers as they transport students each day. We pray for those who provide security for our students. May they all be sustained by your blessing. May they be reminded that North Wood United Methodist Church embraces their call to teach and to learn and that we surround them with love and care.
          We pray in the name of Jesus, who we seek to follow day by day. Amen.

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