Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Theology & Doctrine Question #18

Here is the last of the Theology & Doctrine questions for Provisional Membership.  I was commissioned as a Provisional Elder in the North Alabama Conference earlier this week. Woohoo!

Disclaimer: Feel free to read the answers and use them for guidance. Please don't plagiarize. It's likely your BOOM knows how to use Google. That's the basic amoral reason to not copy. The moral reason is that plagiarism is lying. The more important reason is you need to answer these questions. The Board needs to know what you believe. Even more so, you need to know what you believe. 

Note: Because of plagiarism concerns I have included only the opening sentences of each answer. Good luck with your paperwork.

18.      Summarize your understanding of Wesleyan Theology.
The theology of John Wesley has long been referred to as a practical theology. That is, it is a theology for the working, practicing Christian. While Wesley preached and taught about things such as Christology, pneumatology, and eschatology, he always did so in a manner that was practical and useful, as opposed to airy and inadequate. One could best summarize Wesleyan theology by exploring Wesley’s soteriology. When exploring Wesleyan views of the way of salvation one comes across concepts and doctrines that are vital to Wesleyan theology – original sin, grace and the various ways it works, justification by faith, sanctification, and Christian perfection.

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