Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Here's to a better week.

Last week was über-crappy. Losing Stitch hit me much harder than I ever thought it would. Thank you for all of the kind words (via blog comment, text message, Amazon gift, on the phone, and in person.)

The crap didn’t stop there. I also did not get cast in the part I’d hoped for in Annie. C’est la vie. The Girl and I will go for the first time tonight. We’ll see how it goes from here.

I have to say that this audition experience was much better than my last experience with local community theater. I hope this director will be better prepared throughout rehearsals as well.

Last week did have a bright spot or two. I saw my friend Marc for the first time in many years. He lives in NYC, but was in town for his younger brother’s graduation. I saw him and his family at Chili’s. We keep in touch via Facebook, but it was nice to see him.

Another bright spot came Saturday. We received an unexpected package from Amazon. My friend Heath sent us a book (Mostly Bob) and a very sweet note in response to Stitch’s death. The girl read the book in the first 20 minutes after I opened it. I’ve not been able to read it yet. It’s about a dog. Thanks Heath, but it may take a while before I can read it.

I don’t have a lot to post about today. Mostly I just wanted to get a new post up. That last one was quite depressing. I’m thinking about posting some stories about Stitch over the next couple of weeks. I may or may not.

I’m looking forward to a better week. It started out well with a great Memorial Day. We had a cookout at my parents’ new house to be. I can’t really call it their new house, yet, since they haven’t actually moved in. We had a great time. I ate too much. I also learned that my injured elbow does not like it when I play wiffle ball.

Also coming up this week is Annual Conference. I will, as I have the last few years, keep a journal of my experiences there. I will then transpose them from pen and paper into electronic form and share them here, along with commentary. Here are examples from the past: Start at the bottom. I look forward to my trips to Conference for 2 reasons. 1) I enjoy Conference. I’m a bit of a church nerd. 2) I get to see my friend Heath. (Don’t tell anyone, but that’s actually my favorite part.)

Then to top off the week, Misty and I are going to eat with some old high school friends Saturday night (including ST reader and sometime commenter Jennifer). I’m really looking forward to that, too. Especially since I think we’re all bringing kids with us. It should be a hoot.

That’s it for today. I’m off for a busy, busy day. Work, Annie, and then an SPRC meeting (church stuff).

Enjoy your Tuesday/Monday.


  1. Yes sir. June is looking good.

  2. Charlette said...

    Enjoy your posts. So sorry about Stitch (more than words can share). While at conference ask for Paulette (my sister) - I believe she is in charge of greeters. Don't expect her to look like me - wont recognize her. Look for skinny black headed lady with great smile and laugh (if you hear her laugh - you'll know she's my sister). Enjoy your week! p.s. I'm a silent stalker/reader who rarely comments. Such a shy child I am.... Blessings!



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