Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A Pink Nightmare!

I’ve had a couple of people ask how the callback audition went last night. I can summarize it in three words (well two words and a number): 141 and Richard.

Last night was the second night of auditions and callbacks. So some people were auditioning for the first time and others were there for callbacks. We auditioned by number. When we first arrived Sunday we filled out an audition sheet and received a number. I was number 114. Obviously not 141 and I’m definitely not Richard.

141 was the only other man who signed up to audition. Richard was a guy who was there, I assumed to watch his children audition. The director obviously knew him. I spent my Monday night sitting in the Zodiac Theater watching #141 and Richard called to the stage numerous times to read the adult male roles. I was never called to read. Never.

I wasted two hours of my life sitting in a cold theater for absolutely no reason whatsoever. The naïve, innocent side of me believes the director forgot he called me back. The cynical, distrusting Scott thinks the director knew his cast before the auditions ever took place.

At the end of the 2 hours the director turned around and said, “OK, that’s all. Thank you. You can go.” At this point I was already pretty upset. This sent my blood pressure soaring. Then he, seemingly, redeemed himself. He said, “Oh, there are a couple of people I called back I have not heard read.” Finally! “Number 108. I need you to stay. Everyone else can go.”

What?!? Seriously?!?

I went directly to the director and waited patiently to talk to him. I asked calmly and politely, “Why did you call me back if I wasn’t going to read anything?”

“Oh, I forgot I called you.”

Again, seriously!?!

He showed me the cast list with numbers written out beside the various parts. I saw 114 there beside this line “Cowboy/Tree Lot Salesman/(some other man I don’t remember).” He asked if I could play all three parts. At this point my mind was racing too fast. My anger had reached epic proportions. He actually called me to come back and then forgot I was here. This man had me spend 2 hours away from home with my kids on a school night. He (apparently) cast me as 3 people (which I think would be a blast to do!) without me ever reading a second time. There was no reason for me to be there, yet there I was. At this point I couldn’t even speak.

I took the kids and we left. My oldest was told he could come back on Monday and read for a different part if he wanted. He came with me. He told the director he wanted to read for Scut Farkas. The director gave him a book to use for his scene. He never called him. At one point he asked if there was anyone who had not read. The Boy and a couple of other callbacks raised their hands. He said, “I mean anyone who has not read at all.”

I was as disappointed for The Boy as I was for myself. I wasn’t really disappointed for myself. I was pissed. I was angry that he wasted my time. I was angry that I was not given a fair shot. I was angry that my son’s feelings were hurt. All in all it was a terrible experience.

But apparently I got a part (or three). I’m not sure I want to do it. If the director is this disorganized for auditions, what will rehearsals be like? Plus, I really wanted to do this with the kids. I know the youngest still wants to do it. The oldest, though, doesn’t really want to be an extra. I guess I’ll wait until the cast is posted tomorrow and see. I may not get a part at all, and then it won’t be an issue.

I know I said earlier that my number was on the preliminary cast sheet. So why do I say I may not get a part? I could not sleep last night. I was too mad. I sat at the computer fuming for a few hours after I got home. Finally I had to let it out. I didn’t have any contact information for the director, so I sent an e-mail to the woman who was helping him. We know her because she is our youngest’s Brownie Troop leader. I wasn’t ugly. I just told her how disappointed I was in the whole process. I was nice, but matter of fact. It made me feel a little bit better. At least I was able to sleep.

I got an e-mail from her this morning. She was very apologetic. She forwarded my message to the president of the theater group. I hope I didn’t get anyone in trouble. That wasn’t my intention.

Well, I’ve vented a little more now. I feel even better now. Thanks!

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