Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Two by Two by Tuesday

Today I have a grab bag of miscellany to cover. Hold on tight. It’ll be a quick bumpy ride. We’ll take this in the style of Noah. That is 2 by 2.

So, to revisit yesterday’s whining session: I’ve identified 2 basic obstacles to my weight-loss goals.

1) I like food.

2) I’m lazy.

If I can manage to get past those two things 20 lbs should be a breeze. Unfortunately, those are two of the hardest obstacles to cross. Especially that second one. Lazy and crossing obstacles do not tend to mix.

As I sat here writing, I identified a trait that may help. If only I can figure out how to put it to use. I am super competitive. For example: I often growl and curse at my phone while playing Backgammon because the program cheats. The definition of ‘cheats,’ in this case, being ‘doing anything to prevent me from winning.’

How can I put that competitiveness to use in a weight loss application?

Jerry mentioned, a few months ago, a weight-loss race. Who can lose 20 lbs (for example) the fastest. I’m not sure that would get my competitive juices flowing.


Two things I’m really enjoying the past couple of days:

1) Homemade trail mix


Last week I mentioned making trail mix. I made some more yesterday. I’m not sure it’s technically trail mix, but it’s the best name for it. It’s easy and delicious. Almonds and mixed dried berries. That’s it.

We bought the almonds at Sam’s Club a few weeks ago. I think it was a 4-pound bag. We toasted them in the oven when we got them home. The dried berries in my first batch came from Sam’s also. Today’s batch uses Great-Value (Wal-Mart Brand) berries. In the first two batches I chopped the almonds in the Magic Bullet. This time I decided to leave them whole. I think I like them chopped better taste and texture wise, but leaving them whole is easier and less messy.

I know I’ve talked about NASA-TV before. I do love it, though. Here’s a screenshot to the right. I love space exploration. I wanted to be an astronaut for a long time. (I kind of still do.) I love watching the shuttle missions. They don’t always have video from the orbiter, but it’s still interesting to watch.

Discover will dock with the International Space Station tomorrow. That will be fun to watch. Here’s a link to the NASA-TV site for the other nerds out there.

One last list. I have a couple of things with which I need some help. Help me, blog readers; you’re my only hope.

1) European memories.

2) Sermon help.

My senior year of high school we took a school sponsored trip to Switzerland, Austria, and Germany. I have vague, spotty memories of the trip. Kind of like looking through an old photo album (remember those?) that has lost half of its photos. I remember a few names of places we visited. Salzburg, Innsbruck, Lichtenstein, Dachau, Haufbrau Haus. But I have very few actual memories of those places.

I want to write about the trip (mostly so I won’t forget even more of what I remember,) but I need some help filling in the blanks. I know that at least a couple of readers went on that trip also. (I’m looking at you Jennifer, Munnu, and Rosey.) What do you guys remember? Do you have some pictures you could share? If you were there and can help (or even if you heard rumors of our antics) email me with your remembrances.

I’m preaching at Edgemont UMC April 18. I need a little help. I have some questions I’d like a few people to answer. I’m hoping to get some input from people who do not go to church. I may want to do an interview and use the video in the sermon.

Edgemont people, no offense but, I’m looking for outside help.

Just so you know, I’m not looking to embarrass anyone (no one outside the church anyway…kidding, of course). I have some honest questions and I’d like to get some honest answers. I’d like to talk to churchgoers, non-churchgoers, non-religious, non-Christian, etc. If you’re interested in helping email me. I’ll send you some of the questions and you can decide if you want to answer or not.

Enjoy your Tuesday!


  1. I'm in for the race. The question is what are the stakes. Hmmmmmm. Perhaps we should discuss Friday evening over cards.

  2. Scott, I've recently come across an old box having high school paraphernalia, which happened to include a couple rolls of pictures from that trip (and the weird foam hand). Unfortunately, the content of my photos is about half-related to sightseeing, whereas the other half captures small glimpses into adolescent debauchery.

    My memories essentially parallel the nature of the photos - I have VERY distinct memories of parts of the trip, which I would be happy to divulge at no risk of my own, but I'm not too sure how much discretion would be appropriate for the other characters of the story, so...

    Here are a few specific memories of my own:

    My favorite place I still remember to be the town of Andermatt, Switzerland. I only know this by the mental pictures, since unfortunately I have no real photos, but it was a little ski town we stopped at in the Alps, completely covered in snow and the most quaint little village imaginable.

    As far as Dachau, I did not go, for a couple reasons. For one, I empathized with a certain Jewish friend's rejection of the idea, and in turn, rejected it myself as a matter of principle. Secondly, I think about 5 or 6 of us got so hammered the night before, our heads were a pounding mess trying to get up that morning... leading me to another memory...

    I can't remember who else was forced to endure the interrogation, but I believe there were four of us...sitting down at a table in an empty dining room of a hotel...with Mrs. Graham...trying to make a case why we SHOULDN'T be sent home the next day, separate from the rest of the group. Actually, in was in Munich, because I remember our punishment was that we were confined to our hotel rooms, while the rest of the group went out to a diskoteque or something.

  3. If you don't mind your sister participating, email the questions to me & I'll check them out... if you want acr



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