Thursday, April 15, 2010

Thursday Stuff

I’m preaching at Edgemont UMC this Sunday. (Edgemont people don’t let that stop you from coming.) I’m looking forward to it. At least for now.

How about a little preview? OK.

The title is “15 Reasons You’re Going to Burn.” I’m going the hell-fire and brimstone route. I’m going to talk about the top 15 reasons you might go to Hell.

No, not really!

Actually, my title is “Gay Marriage, Evolution, and Rock n Roll.” The original title was “Gays, Rock n Roll, and Harry Potter.” I like the new title better. (Sorry Bryan. But thanks for the idea.)

My scripture is John 21:1-19. Jesus tells Peter, “Feed my sheep.”

Want a teaser? Here’s an image I’m going to use:

I’ll be honest, I’m a little nervous. Not really about the early service (the service in which I lead worship) but the 11:15 service. It always makes me nervous to talk to people who are older and wiser than I. That crowd is much, much wiser.

On a different note, I got new shoes! They are comfortable and they were on sale! The double threat! What do they look like you ask? This:

I’m going to host a card night at my house in a couple of weeks. I’ll get a date and time set and let you know. Everyone is welcome. BYOB.


  1. God cards and byob (might be a sermom there)

  2. The "N" on your new shoes stands for Nancy. :)

  3. The title makes me almost want to come back early from vacation. Almost. I know you will do a great job. God is good!

    Oh, and Anonymous, God cards is a cool game Scott made up. Kind of like Old Maid or Go Fish, except with biblical characters. "Do you have Elijah?" "No, go fish a God card."

    Last thing... Nancy, why does Scott have an "n" for Nancy on his shoes?

  4. Eric.BYOB(bring your own bible)I get it now.I will have to check it out sounds most interesting.NKJ,Amplified,Modern English,Message, does it matter which you bring?Do I have to be a member of your church and may I bring a quest?

  5. The card game has nothing to do with Edgemont, just some guys getting together to play cards. So no, you do not have to be a church member. Bring a guest? Certainly. Like I said in the post, "Everyone is welcome."

    As for translations? I prefer the NRSV, but whatever floats your boat.

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