Friday, April 23, 2010

Luke Duke & the Buke

Today marks one year on Blogger™. I planned to re-post one of my favorite stories from the past year. I changed my mind. I decided I would do a stream of consciousness post instead. I’ll just start writing and we’ll see what comes out. Hopefully none of it will be offensive. First, though, some more boring readership stats. During the first 3 months I averaged 277 visitors. In the past 3 months I averaged 446. The most visits I’ve had in one day? 53. It happened twice. January 16th & March 9th. Second most? 47. Which happened this past Monday, when I posted my sermon from Sunday.

My mom is on Facebook now. It freaked m out a few months ago when I got a friend invite from my dad. Now my mom is on there too. It just seems odd. Speaking of Facebook, Bejeweled Blitz has taken over my life. If you’ve not already, do not start playing this game. You will not stop. I’m pretty sure it is part of an Al-Qaeda plot to destroy America. (And if it’s not I just gave them a wonderful idea. Sorry DHS.)

Sorry I had to go play a few games.

If I disappear for a few days, please do not assume it has anything to do with the fact that I just mentioned Al-Qaeda and the Department of Homeland Security in the same post. Strictly coincidence, I’m sure.

Since I’ve already dug myself into a legal hole that may take months to escape, let me ask this also. Does anyone know of a way to capture clips from a DVD movie? I need to get clips from several movies and combine them into one video clip. On a related note, what are some fairly well know movie clips with the word “make” in them? The Godfather (“make him an offer he can’t refuse”) and Dirty Harry (“make my day”) are givens, what else is out there? Absolutely any help you can offer in those two areas is appreciated.

Back from another Bejeweled break.

On my walk last night I listened to the Fresh Air podcast. On this episode, Terry Gross interviewed Stephen Sondheim. Freaking awesome! I loved listening to him talk about his methods and techniques for songwriting. Very informative. Then he started talking about “circle of fifths,” “tri-notes,” “consonant chords,” and “resonant chords.” I quickly realized how absolutely ignorant I am about music and how completely inept I am when it comes to songwriting. By the way, Sondheim is amazing. A national treasure. He should have his own show or something. Speaking of, there is currently a Sondheim, Sondheim on Sondheim, revue running on Broadway. I found out from the Fresh air interview that Tom “Luke Duke” Wopat is singing ‘Epiphany’ from Sweeney Todd in that show. Awesome. Truly Awesome.

Before I forget, we’re playing cards at my house next Friday, April 30th, at 7 PM. Everyone is welcome. You can RSVP here.

I think the Lysine is working. These cold sores seem to be going away and they’re not nearly as big as usual.

I heard a newish band on RadioLab earlier this week. Buke & Gass. Interesting. Here’s a song to give you a sample of their music (click on the “Medulla Oblongata”). Keep in mind; it’s only two people making all of this music. It’s good stuff.

I’m getting that restless feeling again. I don’t like it. From time to time things just start to feel temporary. Something breaks at home, “It doesn’t matter, we’ll move soon.” Something stressful or troubling happens at work, “It doesn’t matter. I won’t be there long.” I think it’s some sort of weird survival mechanism I’ve developed. An odd way for my mind to deal with distressing situations. This pops up from time to time. Usually it’s gone as quickly as it came. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

This is post #169 over the last 365 days (657 over the last 5 ½ years). Who knew I had that much to say. It still strikes me as odd that 25-30 people (or 53 some days) want to hear what I have to say. Too bad I can’t count my kids among those.

Thanks for reading. Thanks for humoring me.

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