Thursday, April 22, 2010

Granny's Day

Tomorrow will mark one-year of “Scott’s Thoughts” in its present form. I’ve been blogging/online journaling for almost 6 years, but I moved everything to the current location on April 24, 2009. So While Saturday is the actual anniversary, tomorrow is day #365 of

Tomorrow also happens to be my parents’ 39th Anniversary. Coincidence? Um…yes.

So today I’ve been looking back at the last year. 167 posts. I have no idea how many words that represents. I’d guess I average 500 per post. That’d put me at 83,500 words. With a couple of days to go before we actually hit a year.

My fist post here drew 3 visitors. Yesterday’s post brought 25, which is the average for the last 6 months. Over the last year, I’ve averaged about 23 visits per post. I had 275 visitors in the first month. In the past month I’ve had 452. An increase of 64%.

OK, this is terribly boring. I’ll stop now with a quick: Thanks for reading!

I guess I owe you a little bit of substancio, so…

I now have 2 cold sores. Yesterday I went to buy some Lysine. Hopefully it will work. My grandmother swears by the stuff. I remember as a child she would make me take some at the first hint of a cold sore. Then she would proceed to tell me that she took a Lysine tablet every morning. If she felt like a cold sore was coming, she took 2. Some day I’ll learn to listen to my grandmother.

When I was young I spent a lot of time at my grandparents’ house. For several years my brother and I went every Monday. It was “Granny’s Day.” Granny’s Day usually meant a day of swinging, Big Wheel riding, and WTBS. (Their afternoon line-up was wonderful. Bugs Bunny, The Flintstones, The Addam’s Family, Leave It to Beaver, etc.) Granny’s Day also meant a trip to TG&Y.

TG&Y was little more than a five and dime. It was the place to get everything and (almost) anything before the big box discount stores came along. Granny took my brother and I every Monday. While there we were allowed to get one thing. That usually meant a Star Wars action figure. (I think I’ll save TG&Y for its very own entry.)

After a couple of years my two younger cousins moved back to Alabama. They began coming for Granny’s Day also. The trips to TG&Y quickly ended. Then along came my sister and in true little sister fashion, she ruined everything. Not long after her birth Granny’s Day ended.

That didn’t limit my time at their house. When I was 5 or 6 we moved to a house about 4 blocks from theirs. For a few years we went there everyday after school and most weekends. Many of my childhood memories took place at my grandparents’ house.

Cub Scouts, copperheads, waffle ball, big wheels, Gene Gene the Dancing Machine, home movies, “Stars & Stripes” ice cream, Mrs. Isom, Red Vaughn, Halloween, worm farms, water melon seeds. The memories are almost endless.

I could write pages, nay volumes, about my time at Granny & Pap’s house. I think I’ll save the rest for another day.


  1. I actually found the stats on your readership quite least as interesting as Lysine.

  2. Enough with the cold sores already!Let it go.

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