Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Mid-week Miscellany

Sorry for the brief lapse. It may not bother anyone, but it bothers me. I don’t pretend that there are people out there waiting with bated breath (there’s that saying again) for me to post a new story or thought. But I do enjoy sharing them.

I haven’t felt very inspired the last several days. Not sure why. Maybe that’s a sign that I’m feeling more sane than usual? I’ve said time and again that this writing thing is the cheapest therapy money can’t buy. (It’s free.) I guess I have most of my issues sorted out. At least the issues I choose to share.

Believe it or not there are things I don’t share with the entire world via the interwebs.

I don’t have any stories to share today. I don’t have any issues to sort through. I don’t have any great opinions on the state of the world. I guess I’ll just do some housekeeping type stuff. I’m sure as I go I’ll think of something interesting to write about.

It’s Ash Wednesday and that means just one thing…well, OK, it means more than one thing, but for my purposes it means one thing: Lent. Yea, self-deprivation!

What else is going on in life? (Follow the links for more info/background.) I’m really enjoying this season of Lost, and I have my own theories on the outcome of the series. I’ve completely stopped watching Heroes. I have several episodes on my TiVo; I just have no motivation to actually watch them. I’m still leading a study on Rob Bell’s Sex God. That’s going well, lots of great discussion. I still have not been back to visit my grandmother. Eventually. (That’s what I keep telling myself.) There is still snow on the ground here in North Alabama. I’m going to Birmingham tomorrow night to see Glen Phillips. I’m really excited about that. My friend Heath is going with me. I’m excited about that as well. Who knows, maybe I’ll get another good story out of this trip.

I need a new way to let people know about blog updates. I use Facebook and Twitter. Facebook is getting less and less reliable with every layout change. Twitter generates a few hits, but not many. You can subscribe via email. Just type your address in the blank above and you’ll get a notice when I update. There are only a couple of people using this right now.

What other options are out there? What do you, the loyal reader think? What’s helpful? Do you care to know when I update or would you rather be surprised?

1 comment:

  1. I love your blogs. Sometimes they are the best part of my day. Glad to learn about how to I just did.

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