Wednesday, August 12, 2009

To Life, To Life, L'Chaim

190. I feel 189 coming soon. I just know it!

I spent yesterday at home with a sick kid. He’s at home again today with Misty. Hopefully he’ll make it back to school tomorrow. He’s already missed 2/3 of the school year! Tomorrow would make it 3/4.

I don’t mind the occasional sick day. I actually got quite a bit of work done. I can connect to my work PC from home, so I got lots of invoices posted, cleared out the inbox, and even finished up and faxed some panel schedules. It was a fairly productive day from the comfort of my recliner.

Not that anyone asked, but the cooking is still going well. Fridays are a little frustrating. That’s usually the day I plan a menu, make the grocery list, and hit the store. Trying to find recipes that are fairly quick and easy, that don’t use outrageous ingredients, and that the kids will actually eat is quite a chore.

Can I take a minute to beef with someone? (I’ve learned from watching The First 48 that beef can be used as a verb. Best I can tell, it means argue with someone. As in, “Was he beefin’ with anybody?”) We did this a little on Face Book, but it needs to be out in the open. Laura Senecal, You’ve got to put amounts, temperatures, and cooking durations on your recipes!

By the way, the Tomato Basil soup, excellent. Not as good as Laura’s, but very good. I’ve got some in the freezer if anyone wants to sample it.

My wife is brilliant, by the way. And I’m not just saying that to suck up. She rarely reads this thing anyway. To recap, she completed Nursing School at UNA last May. She started the Nurse Practitioner program at UAB this past May. She just finished her first semester with A’s in all of her classes. One of which was “the hardest class in the program” according to her advisor. That girl is awesome! And on top of that, she’s beautiful. I win!

My book study of Seeing Gray in a World of Black and White: Thoughts on Religion, Morality, and Politics starts tonight. 6:30 pm at Edgemont United Methodist Church in Florence (5:30 if you want to eat). Everyone is welcome. I hope to have a variety of ages, backgrounds, political leanings, etc. It should be interesting. Tonight will be a sort of introductory discussion.

Speaking of the study, I need to go get some stuff ready for tonight. I guess that’s all for today.

P.S. - Who wants to go see Derek Webb in Birmingham September 20? Or if you'd rather do it on a Friday September 18 in Tuscaloosa. I'm pretty sure Bryan Miller and I are going. Let me know, we can carpool.


  1. friday would be better for me....but i could make the sunday work too...

  2. Listen, I am not a person that can read manuals, and then know how to work a VCR. No, I am different, and must be shown things. SHOWN. So when I get to go somewhere new, and people might say, "oh, you know you just go over to Savannah Highway and go a couple miles and turn so and so ." and they lost me at "Savannah".
    I will always say " um, No, Stop talking and just draw me a map."
    Other people are much smarter than I am, so I kind of expect you guys to figure out what I write down. :)
    If you have any questions to my recipes, I will be glad to help you out, or actually SHOW you how to make it.

  3. I meant to comment the other day on this.

    1) That book sounds really, really interesting to me, and right up my alley. I wish I could attend the study.

    2) I'll be at the DW concert on the 20th, along with Lee Kelley and others. You should definitely come.

  4. @wchandlerparker I think that settles it for me. Sorry Bryan. Looks like it's Sunday. Make it a youth trip! I think it's all ages.

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