Saturday, June 6, 2009

More to come later...

I made it home from Annual Conference a few hours ago. I had a really good trip.

Misty had her first test tonight, so the kids and I left while she worked on it. So I just got access to the computer.

I'm working on a couple of different things that I hope to post sooner than later. One is a recap of AC. I've done this for tha last couple of years. I took copious notes (at times anyway). I'll get them transcribed and posted ASAP along with some comments in hind sight.

I'm also working on thaqt "Secrets" post. It may take a while to finish. We'll see.

Have a great night!

P.S. - If you are in or around Decatur tomorrow night FAfC is playing at Decatur FUMC around 6 PM. We'd love to see you there.

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