Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Life is...

Thought I’d squeeze in a quick update on life. I’ll try to avoid any protracted stories or commentary. Remember, I said I’d try.

This weekend will be busy. Friday I’m heading down to Birmingham for Annual Conference. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the United Methodist Church, I’ll try to explain it simply. The UMC is what we call connectional. Local churches are connected to each other and to the Annual Conference. It is at it’s simplest a level of hierarchy within that connection. Here is a quick overview of the connection as it relates to Florence, AL. From the top down we have: General Conference – the global UMC. Jurisdictional Conference – Regions within the US. Florence is in the Southeast Jurisdiction. Outside of the US, this division is known as Central Conferences. Annual Conference – the “basic unit” of the church. This can cover a state or part of a state. Alabama is comprised of 2 Annual Conferences. Florence is in the North Alabama Annual Conference. From there churches are organized into districts, and then the local church.

So, this weekend, I will be in Birmingham meeting with other delegates from around North Alabama to worship and conduct the business of the conference. The last couple of years I have gone as the alternate lay delegate for Edgemont UMC. This year I’m the real thing. We get to vote on constitutional amendments at AC this year. That’s pretty exciting. Should be a fun time.

Plus it will give me a chance to visit with people I haven’t seen in a while. I’m a huge church nerd, and I love the “business of the church” stuff. Honestly, though, my favorite part of going to conference is spending time with old friends. Not at conference. I will see people there I haven’t seen in a while, and I will enjoy seeing them. But I’m talking about friends who live in Birmingham, but won’t be at conference. I’m talking to you, Heath Mixon! And you, Chandler Parker… that is, of course, if you get back in town in time.

I started writing this about 8 am. Now, 7 hours and 5 interviews later here I am trying to finish. We are hiring a receptionist/property manager. Five interviews today. Wow! We advertised the job in the local paper, which automatically puts it on monster.com. We received almost 150 résumés. I didn’t expect that sort of response.

This Sunday FAfC is playing at First UMC Decatur. What is FAfC? First Aid for Choking is the band for our Alternative Worship Service at Edgemont. I have the privilege of playing and singing with them every Sunday. Check out the link above for some music. We are, for the second year in a row, playing for their Youth Week. If you’re in the area, I’m sure Beth and the gang at DFUMC wouldn’t mind if you stop by for a listen. Plus, my good friend Heath Mixon is doing the program for the night. That means I get to see him twice in one weekend. Typing that made me smile.

Misty is still tooling along in graduate school. It keeps her hopping and at least a little stressed. I know she can handle it, though. And with flying colors, too.

My oldest is now in the Youth Group at church. That hurts me a little. I was a Youth Minister for 10 years. Those parents always seemed so much older than me. Now I am one of those parents. Well, I hope I’m not one of “those” parents, only time will tell. Look out Bryan here I come!

I got a call yesterday from St. James UMC. St. James is my former church. The church where I grew up. Misty and I left there about 3 years ago. Long story short, I don’t like the “with me or against me” approach to faith. (For the long version, read here.) I had no idea what to expect when the caller told me who he was. Turns out they are having a Homecoming service in September. They are calling all of the former youth ministers (?) to invite them for the event. I have no idea why he specifically mentioned former youth ministers. Apparently the guy has no idea that my family has been a part of that church for the last 50 or so years (at least until 2005.) It sounds fun. I plan to be there. Edgemont should do something like that…

That’s all I’ve got for now. If you’re in Birmingham and would like to say hi this weekend, I’ll be at ClearBranch UMC in Argo all day Friday and Saturday. Or shoot me an email and I’ll let you know where I’m staying.

One more thing: One of the potential topics I mentioned a couple of weeks ago was “secrets.” After I put that on there I kind of regretted it. Someone mentioned the other day they thought that should be my next post. I thought about it and decided no way. I thought, “I feel like I already open up a little too much here. Anything I have kept secret would be too much.”

I think I have changed my mind. I read a blog yesterday that pushed me toward writing “Secrets.” I’m still not 100% sure. I think it’s coming; I just need some time to figure out exactly what I’ll write and what I won’t.

I know that I will post a recounting of my weekend in Birmingham. The last two years I’ve journaled during Annual Conference. Then I posted those writings on my blog afterward. I plan to do the same this year.

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