Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Analytics fun. And a Question.

Another quick update and then a poll of sorts.

Google Analytics is a cool, cool thing. I used Sitemeter before and I liked it. I think I like Analytics even more. I’ve gleaned some interesting information from their charts and graphs. One thing I’ve learned is that I tend to have more readers on Wednesdays and Thursdays. I don’t blame you. I’m always a little easier to tolerate in the middle of the week. Here is a graph showing my visits. Each week peaks around the middle.

Another feature I like is the ability to see where my readers are. Analytics shows a map of your readers. You can look at it by world, country, or state. Then the state maps break it down by city. This feature is probably my favorite. I know where my readers live, or at least where they read. I’ve had visits from Belgium, South Korea, and the Ukraine. I’m guessing they were accidents or someone clicking “random.” Within the USA I have regular visits from each coast and many spots in between. Here’s a map. (The darker colors represent more visits.)

Fun stuff. As you can see the most visits come from Alabama by a wide margin. You can break it down by city as well, but I won’t bore you anymore. Here’s my real purpose for writing today.

I can’t decide what to write about next. My potential ideas are dwindling. Below is a list of things from my “Things to blog about” list. Which one do you want to read next. It’s like an interactive blogging experience! Let me know via comment (anonymously if you want) and I will try to get the #1 choice up tomorrow (Thursday). Especially since no one reads this thing on the weekends anyway.

Blog ideas:

  • Black & White/ Us v. Them (I’m not talking about race)
  • Abby’s first picture sitting
  • Hit my dad
  • Bad at my Job
  • Secrets
  • Mediocre
  • Potty Pictures?
  • Songwriting – I’m not good. God is great.
  • Family Communication
  • Abby’s poopie trip to the library.
  • Facebook Friends [edit 2:05 pm]


  1. i think u should start at the top and work your way down.

  2. You've peeked my curiousity with Abby's poopie trip to the library...anything with the word "poopie" in it gets my attention.

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