Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Gettin' geeky wid it.

Happy Cinco de Mayo! I have to say, I'm a little ashamed of that title. Just a little.

I’m sure this “holiday” has a meaning. I have no idea what it is. We have a few Mexicans who work for us. None of them could tell me what Cinco de Mayo is, either. I see it as just another excuse for people to get drunk in the middle of the week. Just like St. Patrick’s Day. If everyone is Irish on St. Patrick’s Day, I guess everyone is Mexican on Cinco de Mayo.

No stories or political statements today. Just a quick update on life.

I got a new phone yesterday. I am uber-excited. I got a Palm Centro. So far I love it. I’ve had a couple of different Palm PDAs over the years. They are helpful, if you use them. I could never remember to carry it with me. This one is also my phone, so I’ll always have it with me.

I’m still getting used to it. It is very different from my LG phone I had before. My biggest disappointment so far? I lost the few applications I had on my other phone. Especially the WeatherBug app. I’m sure I can find it for this phone, too. I just haven’t had a chance to look yet. I lost my Checkers/Backgammon/Reversi game, too. I’ll get over that. This phone does have a Sudoku program already installed, so I didn’t lose that.

I am super way very excited about tonight. Yesterday I won tickets to an early screening of Star Trek! At the Space Center in IMAX! Tonight, my boy and I head to Huntsville for the viewing. I cannot wait!

I am a huge Star Trek fan. I have been for as long as I can remember. I started watching reruns of the Original Series (TOS) as a toddler. I saw every movie in theaters and countless times on video. I didn’t start watching TNG until college, but quickly became a fan. I loved TNG and, even more than that, DS9, but the characters of TOS hold a special place in my heart. I am VERY excited about this new movie. I’ll try to put up some sort of review tomorrow. I’ll probably put up a few updates on Twitter as the night progresses.

I’m a huge geek. I know it. I’m not ashamed of my geekiness.

The other big news going on in my life right now concerns work. I am taking on some new responsibilities. My sister, Ashley (who is a loyal reader, well, as loyal a reader as I have anyway,) is cutting back to 2 days a week. Starting yesterday I am responsible for all payables. It’ll be interesting. The best part is that I get to answer calls from angry credit managers when we’re a little late with a payment. Luckily, it doesn’t happen often.

Misty is starting back to school. She starts the Nurse Practitioner program at UAB one week from yesterday. She is scared to death. I think the schoolwork makes her a little nervous, but the time commitment is the bigger fear for her. (Well, that and the cost.) It’ll only be a year and a half, so it won’t take long. I’m excited for her.

Time for some feedback: How do you like the new blog home? I’d like to hear from you. I’d like to have an idea of how many have followed me from LJ and MySpace. It’s a self-esteem thing. I’m weird like that. I’m still learning some of the features of Blogger and I hope to add some things to make this thing easier to follow. If you’re new I’d like to hear from you, too. I like feedback/comments.

It’s lunchtime, so I’m done. Enjoy your day. Tomorrow I’ll either have a movie review, a story about one of the kids, or some sort of social commentary. Depends on my mood.

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