Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I ♥ NY

Here is a recap of our trip in a little more detail. I was going to put in pictures, but I'm feeling lazy. Maybe I'll do another entry for the pics I was going to use.

Last Thursday my Dad took my son, my nephew, and me to New York City. We headed out around 5:30 am for an 8:00 flight out of Huntsville. We were only there for a couple of days, but we had a great time in the big city. Interestingly enough we arrived 14 years to the day after my second visit to the city: my honeymoon.

We stayed at The W Times Square (more about the hotel later), so we were right in the thick of things. After we checked-in, we walked over to John’s Pizzeria for a late lunch. Then the boys and I headed out to experience the city. First, at Jacob’s request, we took in Toys ‘R Us in Times Square. That place is wild! A full-size Ferris wheel. People everywhere. And, of course, LEGO sculptures of various NYC landmarks.

After that we walked over to Rockefeller Center to gawk at the GE Building and check out the ice skaters. We walked over to St. Patrick’s Cathedral to enjoy the architecture. When we got there they were in the middle of Mass, so we got to hear a little bit of the Homily. After that we walked back to the hotel to change for the theater.

Jacob, Tanner, and I went to see Rock of Ages. Rock of Ages is a musical set in 1986 against the backdrop of the LA music scene. It is set to metal songs of the period. It was tremendous fun. I don’t think it will win any awards. It’s not culturally important. The plot is dumb. But it is fun as hell! It’s the only show I’ve ever seen where the audience stands, claps along, and sings out loud. I think I counted 3-4 standing ovations. This show should make some money. On tour if not on Broadway.

I think on of their smartest moves for getting the crowd involved is serving drinks before and during the show. There are waiters/waitresses milling about in the crowd before the show selling drinks. It makes for a little more lively audience. It’s a really fun show, but leave the kids at home. I’d say it’s a definite PG-13 type show.

After the show we were hungry, so we headed back to Times Square to look for something to eat. We ended up at the ESPN Zone restaurant. It wasn’t bad. The best part? 14 TVs airing various sporting events. This was day one of the NCAA Tournament, so there was plenty of basketball to watch. We ate a little and headed back to the hotel.

The rest of the night is a story that I’m not ready to tell. In fact, I may never tell it.

Friday we got up later than planned. We ate breakfast in the hotel restaurant and the boys and I headed to Lower Manhattan. We walked around the World Trade Center site. We toured the cemetery at Trinity Church. There are some old freaking tombstones in there. I love old cemeteries. Then we made our way over to Wall St. We took in the New York Stock Exchange, from a distance. You can’t get too close. There are armed guards…with machine guns.

While we were there we took a quick peak inside Federal Hall. Which is not really Federal Hall, but a building built many years later on the site of Federal Hall. We did get to see a piece of the balcony George Washington stood on to take his Inaugural Oath. After that we walked over for a  view of the Brooklyn Bridge.

Then it was back to the World Trade Center site for some pictures. There is steel going up. The Freedom Tower is about 150 feet above the sidewalk now. We made our mandatory stop at Pronto Pizza for lunch. Jacob insisted on this. It is good pizza.

After lunch we went to Chinatown. Quite an interesting excursion. New York is a completely different world when you get away from the touristy areas. I think the boys’ favorite part were the fish markets. Whole fish, on ice. Or it might have been the cooked chickens and ducks hanging in the shop windows; complete with heads still attached.

From there we rode the subway up to Grand Central Station. This was my 4th trip to the city and I had never been inside of Grand Central. It’s impressive.

We planned to go to the Empire State Building. When we got there the line snaked around forever! We decided to go back later. So we walked over to Macy’s then headed back to Times Square to shop for souvenirs.

That night we went to Madison Square Garden for a Knicks game. My dad met us there; the first time we’d seen him since breakfast. This was my first NBA experience. MSG was pretty impressive. The Knicks were not. We left after the 3rd quarter since they were already down 28 points.

Now we went to the Empire State Building. This time there was no line at all. Once we were up top we learned they were closing early for construction. We also learned the gift shop on the 86th floor is no longer there. Abby wanted a shirt from the ESB. Oops! Our visit to the top was a little rushed, but still enjoyable.

Then it was time to head back to the hotel. We walked back and bought a few more souvenirs and took several pictures on the way. Then it was into bed and up early the next morning for an early flight out of town.

There were a few glitches and hiccups, like sitting at the airport for an hour and a half waiting for our hotel shuttle, but all in all it was a great trip. Short, but full. I’ll be ready to go back in 3 years. Well, actually, I was ready to go back the next day. I NY.

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