Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I think my son secretly reads my blog.

You read about Strawberry Newtons and my peculiar eating habits pertaining to them Friday. Last night after dinner, I ate a couple of Newtons for dessert. As I sat down, we had the following exchange.

The Boy says, “Oh, we have Strawberry Newtons? Are they as good as Fig Newtons?”

Me: “They’re better”

The Boy: “I may have to try some.”

OK, no problem.

10 minutes later I was in the living room watching TV. In walks The Boy. I was immediately appalled. For two reasons: 1) He had the audacity to say, “Hmm, Fig Newtons are better.” 2) He was carrying one Newton. One! Then he acted surprised that I was upset. “What’s wrong with eating one?”

I’m pretty sure he did it intentionally. After all, he is 12.

Have I mentioned lately how much I love Sirius Radio? No? Well, I do. It is well worth the monthly fee to have access to the options they bring. And now that the Sirius-XM merge has taken place, it’s even better. The channels I most often listen to are: 1) On Broadway – I love the Broadway. Seth Rudetsky (one of the DJ/Hosts) is wonderful to listen to, and Christine Pedi, well it’s great to have her back. 2) 1st Wave – 80’s Alternative music. The Cure, Depeche Mode, The Church, love it! 3) 80’s on 8 – I don’t think this needs any explanation.

I listen to others as well. Blue Collar Comedy (it’s not as redneck as it sounds), The Coffeehouse, Sports Central (Rivals Radio & the Dan Patrick Show), and NPR Now – I listen to and enjoy them all, but not as often as the other three. If you happen to be driving near me tune your radio to 90.3 FM and you’ll know exactly what’s on my radio. I just hope it’s not something embarrassing.

Have I mentioned that our band is recording a demo? Yep, we started recording last week. It’s a bit insane to think that songs I wrote will soon be in recorded form. We’re doing this as a project for a class our Worship Leader, Ryan, is taking. When it’s done, I think we’re going to sell copies of the demo as a fund-raiser. That freaks me out just a little. We’re going to record some more next week. That means I have a little over a week to write 2-3 more songs. No pressure.

Our family was dealt a tragic blow last night. Last year my daughter and I went to a Father-Daughter dance sponsored by the City School system. Here's a picture:  
We’ve been looking forward to this year’s gala for months. Last night we found out it is not this Friday as we thought, but next Friday night. I am leaving for Gatlinburg at 3:30 that afternoon. My little girl was crushed when I told her. I was, too. We’ll figure out some fun alternative. Maybe I’ll take her out to eat on Valentine’s Day.

Is anyone else watching the new Scrubs episodes on ABC? I wasn’t all that impressed with the first few. The last 2 weeks have been great, though. One episode from last week (I just got to watch it this weekend) was one of the best I’ve seen. I hope they can keep the momentum going. If you haven’t been watching, watch tonight at 8 pm (Central Time) on ABC. It’s good stuff.


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