Tuesday, January 6, 2009

You say you want a resolution...

I know that's a horrible title, but I refuse to change it.

Several years back I swore off New Year’s Resolutions. They seemed pointless. I made one or two every year and by February (at the latest) I had broken everyone and forgotten them entirely. So one year I resolved to make no more resolutions.

It worked out pretty well. It was one resolution I never broke. Until this year. This year I decided some things need to change. I need goals. I need to challenge myself. So I decided to make a few resolutions.

There’s one resolution that I can’t remember, so it’s out the window. Let’s move on.

The first one I can remember is relatively easy and takes no explanation. I need to lose 15- 20 pounds. Simple, right?

Oh, I remembered the other one. I’m going to write at least new 5 songs this year and record a demo with FAfC.

The last one will be more difficult. It’s going to take practice. I’m not 100% confident that I can pull it off, but I will not let my uncertainty dissuade me. I made up my mind around Thanksgiving and I’m determined to stick to it.

My resolution this year: to be an asshole. At least that’s what it was then I floundered a little. Maybe I should be a son of a bitch instead. Or a bastard. No, I’ve settled on an asshole.

I’m too nice. I’m nice to almost everyone. Even people who are not nice to me. It’s especially a problem at work. So this year, to quote the ageless Alice Cooper, “No more Mr. Nice Guy!” I will not be a doormat.

I worry too much about who likes me and who doesn’t. I want everyone to like me. Even people I don’t know. No more. I don’t care. Like me or don’t like me. I’m through going out of my way. No more tiptoeing around other people’s feelings.

. I’m not going to be a jerk just for the sake of being a jerk. I will be matter of fact. I will be authoritative. I will be reasonable. I will be polite. I will be kind. I will not be nice.

A side benefit I’m hoping for is less yelling at home. I get frustrated with my kids way too quickly, way too often. I let aggravations build up through out the day. When I get home the pickiness, whining, and senseless noise causes a sudden and fierce release. Also known as Scott screaming at the kids.

Starting this year I’ll take the frustration out on those who deserve it. Or I’ll just head it off before it builds

I once heard, “Be nice until it’s time not to be nice” (name that movie reference). Not me.

So get ready for AssholeScott! Unless you don’t work with or around me, I’ll still be nice to you.

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