Friday, January 23, 2009

Pithy yet Sublime

I’m going to start an ongoing feature…words that I think should be discontinued. There are certain words that are way over used and have little to no meaning. Here are my first 2.

Sublime – Does anyone really know what this means? Without looking it up. “That painting is so sublime.” What the hell does that mean? Do you like it or not? I guess it’s less than lime? I hate this word. Stop using it.

Pithy – This one has some meaning. Short, succinct, to the point. Can’t we just say those things? I like Webster’s definition: tersely cogent. Nice. Mostly I just hate this word because Bill O’Reilly used it a lot on his radio show.

Well, my resolutions aren’t going all that well. I a couple of pounds, but there are too many birthdays in January for a full-fledged diet. I think I’m down a pound on the year. I’m still being nice at work. That’ll stop. I have written a song…sort of. It still needs some chords, and I wrote about half of the lyrics last year. I’ll count it though. 4 more to go.

Speaking of songs, we’re going to record a demo. I’m pretty excited. Our worship leader (Ryan Karr, a faithful Randomocity reader) has to record a band for one of his classes. He’s recording us. Should be fun, but we need a few more songs. So now I have a deadline to work toward. I work better with a deadline.

Awesome! I just got a call from Heath. He’s going to be in Huntsville. I think I may go also.

I’ll think of more later.

My shoulder is really driving me mad. I have not slept an entire night in about 2 weeks. Earlier this week it kept me from going to sleep. Usually it wakes me up. Lately I’ve at least been able to got o the couch and get back to sleep sitting up. I’m ready for this to stop. Now would be good.

Diet Dr. Pepper is the nectar of the gods. Too bad it gives my indigestion if I drink too much.

I hope your day is sublime and all your conversations are pithy! Have a good weekend!

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