Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Get the Funk Out

Did you know that MySpace censors Blog entries? Yeah. They do. I wonder if it has anything to do with Rupert Murdoch?

Gatlinburg was good. Very good. I’ll try to get a recap and some pictures up tomorrow.

I’m feeling rather funkishly today. I have been completely unproductive.

This weekend I felt like I was getting sick. Then I didn’t. Kind of weird. I’m still a little stuffy, but nothing like I felt was coming. I’m glad. I don’t do sick very well. I’m pretty much a huge baby. When my temperature hits 99.5° I immediately curl into the fetal position and revert to age 3. I call it a survival technique.

That’s not the funk I’m currently experiencing, though.

We thought one of our cats ran away. He didn’t. Our 2 cats (Isabella and Wiley) are indoor cats. Right after we moved, I installed a dog door so the dogs could go in and out as they wish to use the bathroom, play, bark at the trees, or whatever else dogs do outside. Wiley has the proverbial curiosity of a cat, and he decided he liked the doggie door. He apparently went out Monday night. We didn’t see him all day Tuesday. Finally, around 6 PM we heard a frantic meow at the carport door. Wiley was home. That is a good thing, because neither of us was looking forward to explaining his absence to the kids.

The cat came back, so that’s not the funk-cause.

Maybe it’s because I have yet to see this week’s episode of Heroes. Maybe it’s because Auburn is heading into Amen Corner with a less than mediocre team. Maybe it’s the weather. Maybe it’s because I need a haircut. My hair gets heavy as it gets bigger (it doesn’t get long, just big). Maybe it’s because Jim and Pam seem to be having relationship troubles.

Or it could be some combination of the above mixed with various work garbage.

Whatever it is, I think it’s just a one-day thing. We’ll call it a 24 Hour Funkrus. Tomorrow should be more productive. I’ll keep you posted.

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