Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Take a break Driver 8

Life has been a little bit hectic lately. It probably will be for another month or so. Of course by then we’ll be on the cusp of the Holiday season. I guess that means things won’t get better until after the first of the year. I can deal with that.
I just got back from another trip to Opelika. We are getting very close to finishing that project. It can’t come too soon. I spent 3 days down there last week and two this week. I’m sure I’ll be back either next week or the week after that. Hopefully it will be the last time. I could go my entire life and never see Opelika again.
Not true of Auburn, though. I drove through Auburn yesterday. I really miss that place. Driving through town made me want to move back there. I’ve said this before; Auburn is one place we have lived that I would move back to in a heartbeat. It’s such a great area.
I think I mentioned last week that we sold our house. We are doing all of the inspections this week (our house will be inspected tomorrow and the one we are buying is Saturday) so things could still go south. I don’t expect anything crazy. We close October 17th. If anyone has a burning desire to pack boxes or carry furniture I know where you can quench that thirst.
My football picks didn’t go so well last weekend. That won’t prevent me from doing it again this week, though. I’ll have some more Potentially Perfect (or Pathetic) Pigskin Prognostications some time Friday.
Time for some random one or two sentence life updates. I think I’ll use bullets. I like bullets.
·        The Gospel According to U2 is over. Quite fun and quite meaningful.
·        My Mom and Dad got a dog. It’s a Shi Tzu named Otis. He looks like an Ewok.
·        Disciple Bible Study is going well. So far I’m keeping up with the reading. I think I’ll devote an entry to some interesting tidbits I’ve run across so far.
·        The A/C in my car died a few weeks ago. The dealership wanted $3000 to fix it. We ended up paying $440. It pays to buy a lot of cars from one place.
·        Misty, the kids, and I are all singing in the Christmas Cantata at church.
·        I hurt my knee last week. It’s getting better.
·        I really have to pee right now.
·        We’re going to Gatlinburg in November. In college, Misty and I went every November. It’s where I proposed to her. I’m looking forward to it.
·        My dogs are both of Satan. That’s all I have to say about that.
·        Does anyone want a dog?
·        I think I’m hitting another creative streak. I hope it keeps up. 
·        The Spinach Quesadillas at Rosie’s are really good.
I guess that’s all that is going on right now. Have a great rest of the week. I’ll try to get a story up tomorrow. No snakes. I promise.

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