Thursday, July 24, 2008

Of Swiss Cheese and Chex Mix

When Chex says that the new Hot & Spicy Chex Mix is the “Hottest Ever” believe them. When you open the bag and the aroma brings tears to your eyes, be wary. When you pour some Chex Mix into a cup and it sort of glows red, be afraid. Man this stuff is good!
I have a list of 8-9 things I want to write about. I have to do that or I’ll sit here one day and think to myself, “Self, how did I get here?” No, wait, that’s David Byrne. I’ll think to myself, “Self, what was it you thought of the other day that was funny, yet poignant; inspirational, but irreverent; compelling and thought-provoking?” And I’ll answer myself, “I’m sorry what did you say? I was playing solitaire.”
That’s the way my internal conversations typically go. I tend to bore myself. And we don’t get along very well. I’m probably still mad at myself for eating all of the Hot & Spicy Chex Mix.
Recently I lost my notepad that I used to jot down ideas while I was driving. Since I don’t trust my own memory I took to e-mailing myself ideas as I think of or remember them. I just send a one or two word text message to my e-mail address to jar my memory later.
Earlier this week I drove to Opelika to do a little electrical work and wait for an inspection. On the way home I had an inspiration for a topic. Since I couldn’t write it down, I texted myself.
“Family trip blog.” When I looked at that e-mail yesterday, my memory went completely blank. I have no idea what I was planning to write. I don’t remember if I was thinking about a specific trip or just family trips in general. I have no idea if I wanted to write about a trip from years ago or one still to come.
I still can’t remember and now it’s time to go. We’re taking a little mini-vacation today and tomorrow. I say mini because we’re driving about 4 miles from our house to spend a night at the Marriott Shoals. It should be fun. I guess this will be an entry about Hot & Spicy Chex Mix and my memory.

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