Monday, July 7, 2008

It's a Sunshine Day

Remember a few weeks ago when I was going to pre-write a lot of blog entries so I would not forget the great ideas I had. Then I could share them with all 7 of my loyal readers? That didn’t work out so well.
Something I have done is to jot ideas down as I drive to the various out of town places I visit (seemingly) weekly. This in itself is quite an undertaking. Writing while making an illegal 5-point turn on a small rural road while 5 cattle and a stray dog look on is no easy task. Of course, I would never dream of doing such a thing. Writing while soaring down the highway (in my make-shift model TA woo yeah) now that’s a different story. It’s still not as easy as you might think.
Write a few words. Look at the road. Write a few words. Look at the road. Write a few wo… Slam on the brakes! Write a few words.
It’s fun. I don’t recommend it.
I’ll share some of my ponderings over the next few days.

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