Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Come follow the band

I’ve been out of town for a couple of days. It looks like another short week for updates, unless I get a chance to do one this weekend.
This is going to be a short one. Hopefully I’ll get a chance to do a longer update tomorrow.
The deal on our house fell through. If you are one of the many who sent a congratulatory note last week, you have to take it back now. We never even saw a contract, though we agreed on an offer. The bottom line is, our house is still for sale. It was a tough weekend.
I know I’ve mentioned The Bryant Park Project. It’s an NPR program. I like it. One of the reasons I like it so much is stories like this: The Twisted Journey of 'Napoleon's Privates Oh yes, that’s right. A story about Napoleon’s Penis! It doesn’t get much better than that. Read it now. Listen when you have 14+ minutes.
Speaking of the BPP, they have a segment called “The Most.” They look at the most e-mailed and most read stories on various news outlets’ websites. I have a plan; let’s make The Most the most e-mailed story on All 10 of you click the story and “click e-mail this page” I’m going to do it now.


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