Monday, June 9, 2008

The Wild, the Wacky, the Farting Preacher

In the interest of journalistic integrity I have to admit that certain parts of last week's "Video Game Story" were slightly exaggerated. Others were completely fictionalized. I leave it to you to discern between truth and fabrication. 

I have a few things to get through today; just some random thoughts about various and sundry items that may or may not interest you. My opinion on them will almost definitely not interest you, but you will keep reading daring to prove me wrong. Trust me, it's boring.

Annual Conference was this weekend. (You thought I was kidding about the boring part, didn't you?) I enjoyed my time there. I'll do more of a report about the happenings later. There weren't really any great interesting topics this year. I, being the church nerd that I am, enjoyed it just the same. I saw a few people I know, which was nice. Plus, I got to have dinner with Heath Mixon. That alone makes the weekend worth it.

FAFC (for the uninitiated that's First Aid for Choking, the band I'm a part of) played at 1st United Methodist in Decatur last night. This was our first "Worship" show outside of our church. We've played at a couple of events outside of church, but we weren't playing specifically as a praise band at those. We had a great time. (Shameless Plug time!) If you have need of a praise & worship band for an upcoming event, give us a shout. We work cheap. Last might we played for gas money and Big Bob Gibson's BBQ. I think that's pretty cheap.

Why are empty churches so creepy at night? Have you ever been in one alone in the dark? It's creepy. Anyone care to venture a guess?

I really like the hand soap that comes out as foam. I find myself wanting to wash my hands more when I know that stuff is around. Chili's here in town has foam soap. I love it. I have no idea why pumping foam into my hand is so thrilling, but it is. The only thing I like more is the foaming hand sanitizer at the hospital. That stuff is way cool.

I saw this post on
Glen Phillips' blog last week:

Post-Rapture E-mails for the Unsaved
Truth is still stranger than fiction. My quick recap of an article on Wired Blogs. will automatically send your non-saved friends and family a message after you have been bodily transported to Heaven. For only $40 a year, you can be assured of one last goodbye and even the transfer of your no-longer-needed worldly goods. The emails will be triggered when 3 of 5 (2 are likely closet sinners) Christian employees of the company fail to log in for 6 days.

I wonder if I'll get any emails? "Dude, I told you! Best of luck with Armageddon! Keep away from the Seven Headed Beast! Still love you!" I do hope so. It would help ease the pain.

This is hilarious and completely sad at the same time. I mean the website. Not Glen's take on it. I thought Christian scam artists had seen their low-point with televangelists (e.g. Robert Tilton). I have, once again, been proven wrong.

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