Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Good Night and Good Luck

I'm going to have to start taking notes. So many great things happen around me and I can never remeber any of them when I sit down and put fingers to keys. Another good day of physical labor. Keeps the blood pumping (with some assisstance from the heart, of course).

I going to do a little metablog soon (a blog about blogging). I need some time to stew it over though. Maybe next week.

This weekend is Annual Conference. I'll be there enjoying the sights and sounds of the event. I think it's a little sad that I really enjoy this stuff. I consider myself a bit of a church nerd. Not because I'm Mr. Bible knowledge (I'm not). I just love the intricacies of how the UMC works. I enjoy the meetings, the business stuff, the behind-the-scenes stuff that makes ministry possible. It fascinates me to no end. Like I said, I'm a church nerd. 

I guess this will be the last entry for the week. I'm heading down to Opelika tomorrow, and stopping in Birmingham for the weekend on the way back. Since I'm not cool or hip enough to have one of those nifty wireless internet capable laptops, I will be out of cyber touch for a few days. I will try to keep the paper and pen handy, though. I'll jot down thoughts and very likely share them here. Like it or not.

Have a great weeknd. If you're at Conference, look me up. I'll be on or near the back row

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