Wednesday, May 14, 2008

These guys were busy...

Heard this on The BPP today and then went to their blog to watch the video. Brilliant idea. An unsigned British band (The Get Out Clause) used the UK's security camera network to make their music video. You can watch it here. Not a bad song either.

I have a dilemma. A serious dilemma. I need some advice. I spilled a little lunch on my shirt today. I don't know if I should change or not. Apparently I dripped a bit of cheese dip on my shirt. It was white cheese dip. I'm wearing a khaki-ish colored shirt. It's barely noticeable. Here's the kicker, though: I'm leading our "What Methodists Believe" Class tonight. (I'm completely nervous and a bit over-whelmed about that, but that's another post.) Plus, I can feel it there. I think I'll just keep the shirt on though. No use dirtying up another just because of a little unnoticeable spill.

Aw crap! I found another spot.

The title actually refers to the post today, not a Musical. Sorry. Well, for those playing along at home, here's a line...

"I'm getting married in the morning. Ding-dong the bells are gonna chime."

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