Friday, May 23, 2008

So when, when was that day? Was it on the church step?

About a month ago I started using lines and/or titles from Musicals (Stage & Film) as my subject line. I was going to tell you all of the shows they came from today, but I’ve changed my mind. I want to see how in the know you, the reader, are regarding Musicals. I’ll give you the subject line, which is a lyric, you give me the song and show/film title. Extra points if you can tell me what character sings the song. Super extra bonus points if you can tell me which songs my potential future second wife sang. Let’s see who gets the most right.
  1. I’m just a Broadway baby
  2. When you’re a jet…
  3. Hello, young lovers
  4. I enjoy being a girl (I think I gave this one in the post)
  5. We’re not gonna pay…
  6. Artificial flowers: Flowers for ladies of fashion to wear
  7. Traditioooon! Tradition!
  8. I’m always true to you, darling, in my fashion…
  9. Ah yes, I remember it well
  10. I said it to me girl, and now me girl’s me wife.
  11. Gimme, gimme that thing called love
  12. Evlyone’s a rittre bit lacist
  13. To fight the unbeatable foe…
  14. Black, the dark of ages past
  15. Past the point of no return, no second glances
  16. I don’t wanna show off no more…
  17. So when, when was that day? Was it on the church step?
This should be fun. No cheating! Leave those search engines alone. On with the post. Another item I forgot about from last week.
Old people scare me. I don’t mean elderly people, per se. I’m not afraid to be around them, like Emily. Let me explain.
We’re doing a class at church on Wednesday nights called “What We Believe.” It’s a class that explains what the UMC believes. Last Wednesday our pastor was out of town. He asked me to fill in for him and lead the class. I am, in the words of Ado Annie, “just a girl who can’t say no!” (There’s another one.) I agreed that I would lead the discussion.
I was scared to death. It didn’t really bother me at first, but as the day drew nearer I got nervous. All day Wednesday My entire body was one gigantic knot of tension. As the day wore on it got worse. After work, I knew the hour was drawing nigh (I love that word.) I had butterflies in my stomach. I couldn’t eat dinner. My hands were shakier than… Well, I was going to make a Ted Kennedy joke, but it’s too easy. I could make a John Edwards hair joke, but everyone knows his hair doesn’t shake. I thought about a Michael J. Fox or Mohammed Ali joke, very bad taste. So let’s go with this… My hands were shakier than Shakira’s hips at Carnivale. (Yeah, I like that one. Culturally relevant, not too highbrow, not too lowbrow.)
I’ve taught/lead Bible Studies and classes at church a thousand times. It was my full-time job for 5 years for crying out loud. I lead our Sunday School class at least monthly. I’ve preached a freaking sermon at this church! Why the hell did this make me nervous?
Two words: Old people. The Bible Study classes I’ve done in the past were for teenagers. When I lead discussions in Sunday School it’s for people my age. When I preach, there’s not really any time for interaction or questions. Leading a discussion where old people have the chance to ask me questions or, worse yet, contradict and prove me wrong. Scares me to death!
My nerves didn’t really get any respite during the class. I spent the hour clinched so tight my butt was sore the next day. It didn’t get any better after it was over. Maybe it was the tension of the day catching up to me. Maybe it was the fits and starts style I seemed to use throughout the meeting. Whatever it was, I felt dejected when it was over.
 In hindsight, I guess it went OK. People participated. They asked some questions, but nothing hard or damning of my knowledge or ability. Still, I went home feeling lousy. That feeling changed a little this past Wednesday night. Back in the same class with me on the sidelines as a mere participant/observer and not leading, someone said something that scared me to death.
“Scott said something last week…” My eyes shot open to the size of frying pans. I don’t know what I expected, but I was terrified of what she might say. I had, apparently, made her think of the Trinity in a new way. I was just glad to know I didn’t cause anyone to run screaming from the church.
OK, now on to the game! Show me your knowledge!

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