Thursday, May 22, 2008

I don't wanna show off no more...

This is another one of those things I meant to write about 2 weeks ago. This blog doesn’t get overly churchy very often, but today it will – just so you know.
A few days ago I received what might have been the biggest compliment I’ve ever been given. I saw a guy I knew from high school on Facebook and added him as a friend. I don’t think I’ve seen William since high school. We were in Drama together and I once set his hand on fire backstage. Good times.
Here’s the story: I was spraying hair spray on my hand and lighting it. It would burn for a few seconds then I would pat it out on my pants leg. A few other people gathered around and I sprayed and lit their hands as well. Keep in mind this is during a performance. William gets the hairspray and starts pumping it onto his hand. We were putting one to two pumps on our palms. William sprays and sprays and sprays. He put maybe 15-20 pumps of hairspray all over his hand. “Light it, Scott.” So I did. The initial flame shot about 3 feet above his head. Someone later told us they saw the flame over the set from the audience. It burned for a few seconds and we were thrilled. Then he tried to put it out.
He patted his hand on his pants. It didn’t go out. Now he starts slapping his leg furiously. The flames only got bigger. At this point panic set in. For all of us. He started hopping, waving his hand. The rest of us were standing frozen to the floor trying to decide if we should grab him or stay back. Finally, using his shirt, William gets the fire out. Now this only lasted 30 seconds at the most. But it seemed like an eternity to us.
We spent the next few minutes trying to get our hearts to slow down. William seemed no worse for the wear. By the end of the show his hand was starting to blister a little, but it didn’t seem serious. The next day William came in with his hand in bandages. He had 1st and 2nd degree burns on his hand.
Back to the present. Well, the near past anyway. I add William as a friend on Facebook and I’m reading his info. He is a Youth Minister. I was a little surprised. I sent him a message to say hi. I mentioned the burnt hand (how could I not) and that I did youth ministry for a while. His reply shocked me. I would say it surprised me, but the feeling was not that mild.
He didn’t remember the hand fire. That surprised me. The next part shocked me. Next he said “Thanks.” He said that during high school he struggled with his faith. He went on to say that I was the only overt Christian at our school that “didn’t come across as arrogant or judgmental.” I had no idea I had been a good influence on anyone in school.
I spent 10 years of my life actively teaching kids about God. In all that time (and the years since) I don’t think one of them has said, “Thanks for making me who I am.” Here’s a guy I knew for about 2 years and just by being a decent person I was able to show God’s love to some one who needed it. It amazes me that I may have played some small part in steering someone toward ministry.
It’s a great reminder (to me especially) that people are watching. When we label ourselves “Christian,” people tend to watch a little closer. I’ve never been one to “witness” to people. I find it completely uncomfortable and usually pretty useless. I can quote scripture and talk about Jesus all day but if you don’t care, you won’t care. But if I show you Jesus in the way I treat you and the way I treat others, especially those on the “fringes,” that will have an impact.
I try to remind myself daily that I am called first and foremost to do two things. Love God and love my neighbor. I have to remind myself daily that I’m not called to sit in judgment of others. In fact it’s just the opposite; we’re commanded to not judge others.
I think the best lesson I can take away from this is a simple one. God uses us even when we don’t know it. As a matter of fact, I think it’s easier for Him then, because we’re less likely to get in His way. I need to remind myself more often to get out of the way. 

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