Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Life or something like it

Well, I haven't updated in a while. Nothing much to report really.

I finished Harry Potter last week. I was very pleased with the outcome. My favorite book of the series.

School starts next week. That's exciting. 1st grade and 5th grade. After last year, our kids will never be at the same school again. That's a pain. Speaking of pain, we need to get some travel arrangements made for school.

My six year-old recently became obsessed with the Scrubs episode "My Musical." It was cute while it lasted. Her favorite comment while watching it was, "Turk is crazy." I only felt the need to correct her with "Hooch is crazy" once. The obsession had to end, though, when she asked my wife, "What does 'Or no sex again' mean?" Misty thought she said 'oral sex' and freaked out just a little. So, no more Scrubs Musical. It has been deleted from the TiVo (and transferred to DVD but don't tell my daughter).

Very soon I've got to get serious and start a diet. We were looking at scrapbook pictures this weekend. Apparently, I got a little fat over the last couple of years.

It seems our band is playing a fund-raiser for Rape Response later this month. I'm a little nervous. Mostly because the audience will apparently be full of Bikers. I guess we should start learning some southern rock & country now. I know one thing, I am NOT singing Sweet Home Alabama. Do bikers like acoustic folky music? I'm guessing not. Anyway, it's August 18th at McFarland Park in Florence. I guess the public is welcome to come listen. More info later.

Enjoy your week. I'll enjoy mine.

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