Friday, July 20, 2007

Geeky Fan-Boy Post

HP7 comes out in a little over 7 hours. I'm 33 years-old with two kids and I'm not afraid to admit it. I'm excited! 

I've almost decided to go buy the book at midnight. I was planning to wait until tomorrow morning and go to Sam's early, but I'm wavering. I may cave.

I haven't read any spoilers. I've seen a very small version of one of teh "photos" of the book that are circulating. That in mind, here are my predictions.

Hagrid will die. Probably killed by a giant working for Voldemort. Snape will die. In doing so he will some how save Harry. I hate to say it, but I think one of the main 3 (Harry, Ron, Hermione) will die. I DO NOT think Harry will die. Dumbledore will offer advice at least once via his portrait in the Headmaster's office. And, of course, good wins over evil. Harry defeats Voldemort once and for all. He and Ginny live happily ever after.

Those are my predictions. I guess the world will know for sure how right I am by this time tomorrow. By the way, I'm a slow reader, so don't tell me what happens!

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