Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Annual Conference PLog

The next couple of entries were written in my PLog (Paper Log as opposed to Web Log) while attending Annual Conference last weekend. It's a bit of insight into my thoughts on the festivities

6/1/2007 - 10:30 AM

Here I sit @ AC. We're int eh Clergy Session now. Opening Worship just finished. The worship was great. I think the Bishop just told me to leave... maybe not. The music was good. I need to remember to ask Eric what he thought about the music. I really enjoyed Bishop Willimon's message. "We are new! The church should be new. New Creation!" I was obviously writing in short hand.

This session is very interesting. Electing new Deacons & Elders, looking at different items dealing with Clergy (ie: disciplinary, those leaving, etc.)

For some reason babies think I'm hilarious. The baby in front of me (now in the aisle beside me) is having a blast!

We are gaining 9 new ministers and losing 25 (either death or retirement).

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