Friday, May 11, 2007


Well, I've lapsed into one of those forget to update phases again. I's only been a week, though.

So here's what's happened since I last updated: Went to Family Movie Night at EUMC. It was Finding Nemo. Kids had a great time.

Went to a Cinco-De-Mayo party at Emily & Will's. Fun was had by all.

Played & Sang Sunday morning. It went really well. (More on that below)

Saw Derek Webb in Nashville (More on that below)

Went to work on 3 hours sleep Monday. Worked, worked, worked, and worked. Throw in a band practice and there's my week. Details below.

A few of us from church went to see Derek Webb last Sunday in Nashville. What a great show. Maybe not as good as the last one I saw at the Exit/In (read about it here Glen Phillips-4/11/05 ) Derek seems like a very interesting guy. He definitely has some interesting songs. Very thought provoking. Speaking of his songs, we did one in The Edge last Sunday. We played "Rich Young Ruler" from Mockingbird. It came off pretty well. Which was good, because it sounded pretty rough during rehearsal.

Mother's Day is this Sunday! Everyone be good to your mommy.

I'm ready to go back to New York. It was around this time last year when we went. It's too bad traveling costs money. That sort of thing is in short supply around our house. I'd really like to see Spring Awakening and Grey Gardens and The Drowsy Chaperone (It'll be in B'ham in December so I'm good there) and Company and, well, you get the point.

I'm taking Jacob to see Spiderman 3 tomorrow. I hope it's good.

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