Wednesday, May 23, 2007


I came to a bleak realization last week. I had a moment of self-reflection. In that moment, I recognized a dark spot on my psyche. I have thought this to be true for some time. Last week, I understood it to be true. I am a coward.

My reasoning follows.

I tend to avoid confrontation. I want people to like me. I am too nice. I rarely stand up for myself, even when I am clearly in the right. I don’t get mad. Even when, by all rights, I should. I don’t criticize people, even when they screw up. I don’t yell and scream.

Except with my kids. I yell at my kids: too much. Not in an emotionally damaging way. But I get angry too quickly. I get frustrated too easily. The bottom line is I treat my kids worse than I treat electrician, plumbers, and contractors. And that is just not right.

I hereby resolve to change. From this point forward, I’ll be a jerk to everyone! No one is safe.

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