Thursday, March 15, 2007

Big News

Lots going on this week in the scoats realm. So much that I have to use cuts. Let's start with last weekend.

A wild cat fell through the ceiling of our office Saturday morning. One of my co-workers was here Saturday morning and found it hiding under a coat rack. He asked one of our electricians to help him catch it.

"Be careful, Kyle," he told him.

Kyle responded, "I ain't afraid of no cat!" Poor, poor Kyle.

The coat rack was moved. Kyle naively bent down to pick up the cat. At that moment the cat sprang forth like a fiery projectile launched from a catapult! (No, the cat was not on fire, even though Kyle swears it was.) Kyle let out a scream that would make Faye Ray proud!

The cat ran to another part of the office. The search was on. But to no avail. The office was closed up for the weekend. Monday morning things were not pretty. I missed much of it. Most of the carnage was already cleaned when I arrived for work, but the smell was still there. We searched for the cat again. He apparently escaped. Or so we thought...

Today, my mom is sitting in my office when she snapped her head around. "What was that? I saw something black run past!" Tonight we're bringing in a Live Trap. The Black Flash will be captured!

Then there's this news.

I talked earlier this week about singing Sunday morning. As of last night (Monday afternoon really) I am officially the Interim Worship Leader for The Edge (our alternative worship service.) I'm really looking forward to it. I'm nervous as a black cat trapped in an Electrical Contractors office, though. I have absolutely no formal musical training. Never a guitar lesson, never a voice lesson. It's quite intimidating. But it was the right thing to do. Here I am, is it I. Last night was our first rehearsal with me as official leader. It went OK. We didn't get as much done as I'd hoped, but it will get better.
Now we just need a bass player. As a matter of fact, This deserves it's own paragraph and a cut.

Play bass?

We need a bassist! Our piano can compensate some, but not nearly enough. Do you play bass? Know someone who does? Do you/they live in or around the Florence area? Are you/they free on Wednesday nights 5:30-8:00 (includes a free dinner) and Sunday mornings 8:00-10:00? If so, get in touch with me. Thanks!

Lastly, an update on my grand-dad. I won't cut this. I found out today he is back in Birmingham. I can't remember how much if any of this I've written about so, long story short... He had a melanoma and two of his lymph nodes removed a few weeks ago. The pathology came back great! His lymph nodes are clear. Two weeks ago he had a follow up appointment. Everything was fine. They drained some fluid from the incision under his arm.

Last Friday, we were afraid he'd had a stroke. His speech was slurred, he was a little delirious. My dad took him to the doctor. He had a fever, but everything else seemed OK. By Saturday he was doing much better. Apparently the fever never really went away. My aunt took him back to UAB yesterday. (That's where he had his surgery and the local doctors wanted him to go there.) Today they did surgery. More fluid was drained. They admitted him and have on an IV anti-biotic. He'll be there until at least Saturday.

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