Other than Misty's quick visit to the ER last Friday, we're all doing well now hat the flu is gone. Misty has/had Pleurisy. Sounds fun, eh? It was a better diagnosis than the alternative, though. They thoguht she had a blood clot in her lung.
We had a great Christmas.
Lately I've actually been able to use some skills I learned in college. I've been doing some video editing for our alternative worship service. I really enjoy doing it. Now, I got a DVD Recorder for Christmas. I have a few years worth of home videos on my computer at home (and some at work), now I can edit it down puti t back on my camera, then burn it to a DVD. I have a DVD burner on my PC, but it seems to have gone kaput.
I'm really enjoying Edgemont. Especially my level of involvement. I'm playing guitar in our Alternative worship service, I'm helping with video productions, periodically leading Sunday School discussions. I may not do all or any of it well, but it makes me happy. A couple of weeks ago, our pastor (Eric) mentioned maybe having me preach sometime this year.
Speaking of that conversation: I told Eric (who reads this tripe from time to time. Hi Eric!) I would have to dig out my old sermons. I didn't know if I could write one right now. His response was something along the lines of, "Why not too much anger?" I didn't think much about it at the time, but later it bothered me a little (Don't worry Eric I was not offended). Not that he said it, I started wondering if I come off as angry. I rant on here once in a while but not that much. And probably more so in the last few days than in months past. Then I started to think maybe I am angry. That's something I need to work on and work out.
But this is a happy post today. So no more of that. This is getting longer as I write, so I'll do a cut. OK, done.
Work is going pretty well. I have yet to feel like the top of my head was about to explode this week. That is a good thing. That's really all there is to say about that.
Misty got me a couple of musicals for Christmas. I got Rent (which I'd never seen) and Little Shop of Horrors (which I love). I was very excited. Those may have been my favorite gifts. I watched Rent Tuesday. I loved it, but good lord, it's sad as Hell. I think every homophobe should be made to watch that movie. Just to show them that love is love no matter who's involved. Man and drag queen, woman and woman, junkie and former junkie, etc. Good stuff.
I'm thinking seriously about supporting John Edwards for President. I'm pretty sure I'll change my mind by November '08.
We're having a poker tournament at my Mom's New Years Eve. Anyone want to come play? Everyone is welcome.
I think that's all for now. Since this has been all happy pappy, I'll update with all of the bad before the year is out.
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