Friday, December 9, 2005

A Short Rant

I'm tired of hearing that I should protest this store because they say Happy Holidays and call that mayor because their city has a Holiday Tree.

News Flash!

We Christians are not the only people in this world!!! Other religions have holidays this time of year, too!

This is the HOLIDAY season! I celebrate Christmas. Does that mean I need everything this time of year to be a "Christmas" (insert event here). Nope. If it's at my house it will most likely be a Christmas Party. Will I refuse to go to a friend's Holiday Party? Nope.

Like it or not, Chaunakah, Ramadan, Kwanzaa, etc. fall around the same time. There is absolutly no reason for Wal-Mart or Target or the City of Auburn, or anyone else for that matter to exclude them from their celebrations.

So, I say Happy Holidays! Be it Chanuka, Kwanzaa, Ramadan, or Festivus! Be merry and love each other.

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