Wednesday, October 12, 2005

179. I've been very lax in updating. Not a heck of a lot going on I guess. So, I thought I'd share this picture. This is Misty and I at my nephew's 1st Birthday back in June (before the diet).

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I haven't updated on my grandmother in a while, so I will now. She is doing great! We moved her into an assisted living facility last week. It is NOT a nursing home. Each resident has there own apartment. It's more like a luxury hotel! They come clean up for her and change her sheets, she gets to eat in the dining room 3 times a day, she has tons of neighbors she can talk to. What she likes most is, she can play dominoes and bingo every week! Even at 90 she is still very competitive! I'll have to post a picture soon of the shirt she gave me recently, which I wear proudly. It says "1986 Shuffleboard Champion" I love it! Abby and I went to see her last night, she seems much happier there. She was lonely at her house. She's standing up straighter now and walking (with her walker) more. I think it will be great for her and will add many years to her life.

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